A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2469 Quan Leng's backer, are you willing?

The matter of the Rong family came to an end.

Previously, the small families and small businesses that partnered with the Rong family and Quan Leng were also annexed and eroded under Lei Jiesen's tough iron-fisted policy. In less than three weeks, he had successfully transferred those low-income businesses The property is gathered into one's own pocket.It's just that gathering and merging doesn't mean anything. How to integrate and how to carry out future development plans are the first issues they have to consider now.

But Bao Jinghan didn't worry about these things.

She calmly threw the question directly to Lei Jiesen. Anyway, he is a partner, so let him worry about it himself!

Right now, she still has a lot of things to solve.

What caught her attention the most was Quan Leng's movements.

In the past week, she has not had any contact with her brother. One is for his safety, lest Quan Leng suspect him, and let Quan Leng, who had not been banned before, take action in advance and make a fuss about his brother's safety.Secondly, the assassination that night ended in failure, which made Quan Leng have some bad thoughts and even took action.

Judging from the news that Terenct has intentionally or unintentionally disclosed to her recently, Quan Leng seems to have found a respectful backer again, or a great backer, and his power should not be underestimated.It seems that they have done a lot of tricks in the open and in the dark, so that they secretly interfered with the acquisition of the property in the hands of the right, and had to slow down the progress.

What surprised Bao Jinghan even more was that that man had the ability to suppress Quan Leng's collusion with an arms dealer last time.Only one scapegoat was sent out... However, it can be regarded as cutting off Quan Leng's right and left arm!

A gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

Bao Jinghan stretched out his hand to press the center of his eyebrows, thinking about who Quan Leng found a backer this time with some headaches.What is the key to their alliance, what does that person want from Quan Leng, and what Quan Leng wants to get... All these questions seem to be a mystery that is close at hand. Obviously, as long as the iceberg is uncovered One corner, one can find out the mystery, but she just couldn't find the entry point to unravel it.

The head is big!

Inexplicably a little irritable.

In fact, there is an idea that has been lingering in her mind for a long time, but not for any reason, she has been reluctant to think about it.Or in other words, she was evading this question——

"Hanhan, Hanhan..."

The familiar voice brought Bao Jinghan back to his mind.

She raised her head suddenly and met those long and narrow black eyes, only then did she realize her gaffe just now, she hastily raised the corners of her mouth, and called out embarrassingly: "Uncle."

"What are you thinking about? Didn't you say you came to see me? Why are you looking at me? You've lost your mind!" Bao Junchen's cold eyes, with a touch of pampering, gently looked at the person in front of him whom he hadn't seen for a long time Son, a flash of pity suddenly flashed across his eyes: "Are you too tired?"

"Yeah, I'm so tired. When will my uncle be discharged from the hospital, I'll be lazy!"

Suppressing those things that disturbed me when I thought about them, Bo Jinghan didn't want these problems to affect Bo Junchen's recovery, so he didn't bring them up, and just followed Bo Junchen's words, joking around.

It's not been a day or two since Bo Junchen asked himself how much he knew her.

Naturally, it can be seen that what she thinks in her heart and what she says are not the same thing at all!

However, seeing that she didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask further: "Hehe, I can be discharged from the hospital. But, my dear Hanhan, are you willing to let me, a sick number, work hard and be lazy?"


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