A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2499 Concealed illness, poisoning

"Well, the patient has multiple soft tissue contusions, a fractured right calf bone, and gunshot wounds on the left chest and the left arm. But your man is lucky, tsk tsk, the two shots are just crooked, especially the one on the chest. A little bit crooked, he shouldn't be lying here now, but went directly to the Palace of Hades to report. Fortunately, his head is well protected, there is no obvious external trauma to the head, and there is no concussion or anything Yes. Judging from the current situation, the operation is quite successful, as long as he wakes up..."

After completing a series of examinations, the imperial doctor stood in front of the hospital bed and spoke to Bao Jinghan.

The tone was so casual and general, as if it came out of his mouth, the operation with a 30.00% success rate, the dangerous situation of narrow escape, all became... a floating cloud.

Bao Jinghan's eyebrows twitched, she raised her eyes and tails, squinted at the strange handsome man in front of her, and took a deep breath: "When will I wake up?"

"Well...he is in good health. After the anesthesia passes, he should wake up. Of course, there are always accidents. If he doesn't wake up, you can count on your fingers and wait for three days. If after three days Still not awake..." Raising his beautiful eyes, the man stretched out his hand to brush the broken hair by his ears, and with a devilish smile, he said leisurely: "If you are not awake, I will give you a conscience suggestion. Change to a man!"

Hearing this, Bao Jinghan almost couldn't help throwing his hand at his face that deserved a beating.

But seeing the flicker in his eyes, a kind of self-consciousness made her control her hand, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Well, I won't bother Doctor Yu!"

After sending everyone away, Bao Jinghan sat back on the seat beside the bed and watched over him silently.

Looking at Lu Yan's handsome face who seemed to be sleeping soundly, Bao Jinghan couldn't help but think of Dr. Yang's hesitant appearance before leaving, and the hints that the imperial doctor gave her with that strange flower.

Thinking about it, she frowned unconsciously.

However, that guy didn't puncture it on the spot, so there must be a reason for not puncturing it.She was also patient and waited until the evening, when Dean Tao brought someone to visit in person, and after confirming that Lu Yan's condition had stabilized, the doctors left one by one.The imperial doctor, who was supposed to go back to the hotel to rest, came back halfway and called Bao Jinghan out to talk.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Following the imperial doctor to the unoccupied safe passage, Bao Jinghan stood against the wall for a full 5 minutes, she finally exhausted her patience, and questioned him.

"Xiaohan, there is something I must tell you."


The imperial doctor's seriousness made Bao Jinghan startled in addition to being stunned.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, silently waiting for his next words.

The heart also involuntarily hung up.

"Cough, when I was checking... Lu Shao, I took some blood samples from him. After going back for further tests, I found out that he was poisoned. This kind of toxin is easily confused by the data of mechanical identification. Thus a misdiagnosis. However, you should have noticed it, from the reactions of Dean Tao and Dr. Yang, it can be seen that they knew about it, but they didn’t tell you—”

The imperial doctor was chattering.

But Bao Jinghan didn't have the patience to listen, and interrupted immediately: "What kind of poison, what effect does it have on him? Imperial doctor... Doctor, my request is very simple, as long as he recovers!"


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