"Saturday night, whatever schedule you have, cancel it."

Get up.

Bo Junchen walked around the sofa and stood behind her.

Leaning slightly, he reached out and clicked on the attached list.

The fingertips flicked lightly on the list attached to the invitation letter, and the manicured and neatly trimmed nails flashed past her eyes, passing a shadow, but they really fell into the bottom of her heart.

Bao Jinghan was a little absent-minded, staring at his fingertips.

"Jinghan, Mayor Lu will go to the charity party that day. The old man wants you to get in touch with each other more. I also think that Lu Yan...is a good man!"

Bo Junchen's words made her wake up suddenly.

Looking along his fingertips, Lu Yan's name was imprinted on the list of distinguished guests.

Under the rendering of the orange light, the name seemed to be plated with a thin layer of thin gold, which was particularly conspicuous.

Lu... Yan?

Bao Jinghan read silently.

In my mind, a vague voice emerged.

Very domineering and very...

An indescribable feeling came to her heart, but she seemed to want to forget it deliberately, so she didn't catch that thought at all, but turned her face slightly to Bao Junchen.

"You also want me to... approach him?"

Finding a more appropriate word, Bao Jinghan always had a faint smile on his face, but there was a cynical twinkle in his charming and provocative eyebrows.

Bo Junchen took a deep look at her.

They are so close that they can feel each other's breath and heartbeat, and even touch each other's cheeks just by moving each other!

But he didn't cross the threshold.

The four eyes meet.

Bo Junchen gently pressed her shoulders, straightened up, walked to the bar, and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Jing Han, Lu Yan is really good, I hope you will seriously consider it. Of course, the old man and I have absolutely no intention of marrying you. The Bo family does not need to use their children as bargaining chips, and you are the most cherished person in the Bo family. It's only for your own good. So, don't be so resistant, and don't go to sabotage..."

After a short pause, Bao Junchen held the goblet, looked at Bao Jinghan who was turning back, and raised his glass slightly to her: "Even if you don't like it, you can get to know each other. It's beneficial and harmless, isn't it?"

Lu Yan?

mayor? !

The mayor of city s has never been younger than 40 years old!

With a smile on his face, Bao Jinghan's eyes fell back to the invitation list, and because Bao Junchen's attitude was a little uncomfortable, he deliberately blocked him with words: "Uncle, I don't have a Electra complex. What kind of old man is this Lu Yan? Let grandpa go clubbing by himself!"

at the same time--

The door of the conference hall in the cloud on the top floor of Huaxia Hotel was open.

Probably just after the meeting ended, many men and women in formal attire came out of the conference hall, walking together in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

At the door, the middle-aged man with a puffy stomach deliberately slowed down his pace, glanced at the fading figure with his gleaming eyes, turned around suddenly, and returned to the conference hall.

"Mayor Lu, I'm sorry to trouble you! What I just said, please..."

"see a visitor out!"

The man sitting at the head of the council table waved his hand without raising his eyes.

There was no expression on the handsome and flawless face, but the brows were filled with a domineering and not annoying arrogance.

A born emperor!

This man is Lu Yan, only 27 years old, the youngest mayor in the history of S city, and also in the eyes of many famous ladies——

Golden Bachelor, Best Lover, Golden Turtle...

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