A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2529 Ended his lair, cut off love [1]

Branches on the moon.

It was a hot and dry night in July.

If it wasn't for the air conditioner in the room, Bao Jinghan felt that he would have evaporated.

She was alone, nestled on the couch in the lounge, her eyes closed as if she had fallen asleep, but she knew that her rest at this moment was simply a torture to herself, a torture in her heart.

What the imperial doctor said to her during the day kept turning in her mind, which made her already somewhat messy mood worse.

Hesitation, hesitation...

Such emotions appeared more and more frequently in the less than a year since she returned to China.

But in the past, because of her hatred, she always wanted to seek justice for her mother, constantly sharpened herself, and let herself go towards that goal.Therefore, at that time, she was always firm and persistent, and would never change the goal she had been chasing because of anyone or anything.

In the end, she succeeded.

With his own strength, he tortured those people to pieces.

She used her way to seek justice for her mother, returned what they originally gave to her little by little, and deprived them of the people and things they cared about most little by little.She made them pay a terrible price!

But now, she finds that she is not firm enough, not persistent enough, and her emotions are often influenced by others.

And Lu Yan is someone who can control her...


Bao Jinghan had a headache and was upset.

Turned over abruptly.

But there was a light knock on the door.

As if afraid of disturbing her.

"Jinghan, are you inside?"

That voice was hearty with a bit of feminine tenderness.

Bao Jinghan could easily tell that it was Lu Yan's mother, Xie Rao's voice.

"I'm here."

Turning over and sitting up, Bao Jinghan responded, and went to open the door for her: "...Mom, please come in!"

Looking at Xie Rao whose eyes were slightly blue, Bao Jinghan moved his lips, called her softly, then stepped aside and led the person in.

I have to say that in the Lu family, except for Lu's father, Lu Chenbin, who was a bit uncomfortable for her to show, the other elders were still very nice.Especially Xie Rao in front of him, dignified and generous, with a bright personality and a very open-minded person.Hmm... If Father Lu's appearance is the same, Xie Rao and him standing together will definitely be a beautiful couple, and it will be a good story.

Unfortunately, after Lu's father's bad nature was exposed in front of Bao Jinghan, she no longer believed the evaluation of the Lu family couple from outsiders.

What a good story, what a love, how can a guy like Lu Chenbin have love?

I'm afraid I only love my own feathers!

"Jinghan, I brought you some soup, come and taste it!"

Xie Rao pulled her to sit down on the sofa, then took out the thermos cup, opened the lid and handed it to her.Seeing that Bao Jinghan hadn't recovered from his daze, he couldn't help but smiled: "What are you doing in a daze, quickly taste how well Mom's craftsmanship is, if you like it, Mom will bring it to you tomorrow, if you don't like it, just tell Mom, Mom Tomorrow I'll make delicious food for you! Child? Jing Han, Jing Han..."

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was just distracted."

Heart, covered by warm current.

She seemed to have found the feeling she had only had when she was a child, the feeling of being loved and cared by her mother.

Looking up, Bao Jinghan obediently took the soup bowl handed over by Xie Rao, brought it to his lips and took a sip, his taste buds seemed to be completely wrapped up in his heart one day: "It's delicious! Mom... you The craftsmanship is really good!"


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