A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2577 Ended his lair, cut off love [49]

"Hey, Xiaohaner, let the tiger go back to the mountain, you are really brave!"

The joking voice came to Bao Jinghan's ears.

She turned her eyes to the imperial doctor and raised her eyebrows lightly: "Do you have an opinion?"


"Whether there is or not, you can truthfully report everything that happened today to Terence. Don't worry, if he asks me, I will answer truthfully and prove to you that your eyeliner is very qualified!" After the words fell, Bao Jinghan Walking over, stepped on his shoe very unceremoniously.

The back of his foot hurt from being stepped on, but the imperial doctor didn't even frown. Instead, he curled his mouth and smiled.

Looking at the straight back, he slowly narrowed his eyes, his long and narrow eyeliner slightly curved, forming a crescent-like arc.Somewhat surprised, although Liu Mujue's life is reasonable, but letting these insiders here together is beyond his expectation.After all, Terence's condition for Bao Jinghan is to let her take over Mu Jue's lair, to be a god of killing, not...a bodhisattva!

Quickly catching up, he just opened his mouth to mention Bao Jinghan.

But before he could utter his words, Bao Jinghan, who had walked to the edge of the container, suddenly stopped, looked up at the air duct in the distance, stared at the slowly rotating fan blades with fox eyes, and gently parted his red lips.

"Aze, I will leave the rest to you, and do as we originally planned."

After all, Bao Jinghan nodded and smiled at the man rushing out from between the leaves, then turned his head and glanced at the guy behind her: "Why are you following me? Then you shouldn't do your duty and be an eyeball for Terence , continue to monitor this operation! Could it be that Terence’s conditions have changed, and he gave you another order halfway, not to monitor the operation, but to monitor me instead, huh?”

This made the imperial doctor feel guilty for a while.

She really hit the spot. Although he was sent by Terence to monitor this operation, in fact, before he was transferred here from the headquarters, Terence had already pointed out to him the purpose of letting him come here. In addition to cooperating with the doctor to treat Lu Yan, the first priority is to monitor Bao Jinghan.

At first, he really thought that Terence's handwriting was a bit of a big deal.

But after getting in touch with her, he gradually realized that it wasn't that Terence looked up to her too much, but that he himself looked down on her too much.

Take today's play as an example——

When Bao Jinghan proposed to go in by himself as a bait, he thought of thousands of developments and results, but he never imagined that it would be the current situation of turning things around.When she was the most defenseless, the happiest, and the happiest moment in Mu Jue, giving him such a hand was tantamount to crushing the dark but proud soul in Mu Jue's heart directly under her feet!

Think about it differently, if he is Mu Jue...

The imperial doctor's heart trembled, he stretched out his hand to touch the bridge of his nose, raised his eyes to meet those inquiring eyes, and immediately changed into that glib and cynical look: "How could it be! I'm... It's because of your hand Injured, I plan to take you out to bandage it. After the bandage is finished, I will come back and see the result is the same."

As he said that, the imperial doctor gently raised his lips and winked at Bao Jinghan, as if saying: Look, I'm fine, I'm loyal enough!

Miss Bo curled her lips helplessly, and her eyes flicked past his expression. Although she knew in her heart that this guy was playing sloppy with her, she didn't make it too clear.

She only nodded her head lightly, and spit out two words, "It's up to you."


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