A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 258 It's so sad to have a female hooligan best friend!

She, just, knew, said!

This guy will definitely not be so kind.

Bao Jinghan rolled his eyes towards the sky.

Looking at the box of condoms that fell in his arms, he didn't want to throw it away or put it away.

Apart from sighing in my heart, besides being exposed to Su Nuanxia's gangster best friend, there are only sad little eyes left!

Defeat - the teacher is unfavorable, and the skills are not as good as others.

She sleeps, can't she sleep!

Grabbing the clothes, Bao Jinghan directly took the clothes and covered his head, turned around, turned his back to him, and curled up on the comfortable leather cushion like a kitten.

Close your eyes.

Bao Jinghan lay down depressed, his mind was in a mess.

The more I think about it, the more depressed I get.

But for some reason, gradually, her eyelids became disobedient and slowly closed...

Maybe it's because his car is driving smoothly, maybe it's because she hasn't had a good rest recently, or maybe it's because the things that happened this morning made her tired.

But all in all, she had a good night's sleep.

When I woke up, the sunlight outside the window was already dazzling.

"Hmm... haven't you arrived yet?"

Confused, Bao Jinghan reached out and rubbed his eyes.

The moment the line of sight was focused, the body jerked violently!

Instantly, he woke up.

Bao Jinghan subconsciously grasped the suit covering her body tightly, the corners of her mouth twitched again and again, and she smiled.

That appearance is very cute!

"woke up?"

Looking at her obviously guilty conscience, as if she had seen a ghost.

Lu Yan put one hand on the steering wheel, and the other stretched towards her very naturally.

Bao Jinghan shrank back subconsciously.

With a "boom", the back hit the door...


Bao Jinghan froze there, not daring to move.

But there is an impulse in my mind, I want to take my mobile phone, look through the almanac, and look at her zodiac sign today... Oh no, is it not suitable for her to travel with this zodiac sign!

"Can you concentrate on driving? I regret my life!"

Bao Jinghan's hands were tightly gripping the collar of his suit.

But the face is calm, the brows are still slanted, looking quite serious!

"It just so happens that I regret my life too, and I won't put you in the ditch with the car. So, Miss Bo, don't lean against the door any more, come over!"

Lu Yan calmed down and remained calm.

As she leaned closer, his fingertips ran along the corner of her mouth.

It was only then that Bao Jinghan felt that a few strands of hair had been sucked into his mouth at some point, and hung on the corner of his mouth.

With the twitching of the fingertips, the hair slipped from the lips.

"The hair can also be bitten into the mouth. Did you dream of something delicious, or... ate something?"

Eye to eye briefly.

Lu Yan withdrew his gaze, continued to look at the road ahead, and drove forward steadily.

But his mellow voice stimulated Bao Jinghan's nerve center.

Let her enter a first-level state of readiness.

——A war of words and guns!

"I didn't dream about eating. I dreamed about being gnawed, but the protagonist is not me..."

The charming eyebrows and eyes are shining brightly.

Bao Jinghan pressed the electronic control panel next to the seat to adjust the seat back.

But unconsciously playing with the buttons of Lu Yan's suit with his hands.

"Oh? Who is that!"


Bao Jinghan spit out a word quickly, and at the moment when Lu Yan looked sideways, he continued with a smile: "I dreamed that you were bitten by a big golden retriever!"

Biting the word "gnawing", Bao Jinghan looked at him meaningfully.

But Lu Yan suddenly stopped talking, and asked instead: "Is there any reaction? I mean, physical reaction!"

The brows trembled.

Bao Jinghan stared at Lu Yan with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, and sneered in disbelief, "You mean to say that even if you are bitten by a dog, you will react!"

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