"Huh? Aww—"

Dazed for a moment, seeing Lei Jiesen's face softened, the newcomer secretary immediately ordered himself to relax, and walked towards him with a tray.

It's just that the walking posture is still a little stiff, revealing the fear deep in her heart: "Mr. Lei, your coffee."

"Well, put it aside!"

Glancing lightly, her expression was stiff, and her body was also stiff. If she hadn't still had her heart beating and breathing, she reckoned that if she told others that this girl was a little zombie who had just jumped out of the coffin, some would believe it.

Lei Jiesen reached out and touched his cheek, wondering, is he so scary?Is it really like what that woman Bao Jinghan said, except that a woman with ulterior motives who harbors "love for money" towards him dares to approach him, and the first impression of a simple and well-behaved little girl is that this man is very dangerous, I Stay away from him, or you will be finished if you get eaten!

However, Bao Jinghan also said another sentence, and it is precisely because he looks like a "bad man", and his essence is not much better.Ever since, when I met someone with ulterior motives, I hit it off and fell in love.Even those who meet the good baby, Little Sheep, can't stand his tricks of coaxing and coaxing, hooking their fingers, and dedicating their lives for love.

However, regardless of whether Bao Jinghan said the first sentence or the last sentence, there is only one summary——

He Lei Jiesen, to put it mildly, is called a public lover, but to put it bluntly, he is a love beast!

Cough, think too far.

Getting back to the topic, Lei Jiesen withdrew the complicated eyes that had been falling on the little secretary's face, picked up the coffee in hand, and took a sip.

Although the taste was not comparable to the craftsmanship of the two special assistants, it was barely comparable.And this is probably the reason why the two special assistants kept her after auditioning, screening, and selection.

He has an innocent family background, pure interpersonal relationships, professional counterparts, and... can make a cup of coffee that is barely edible!

Qualified, stay here!

On the opposite side, the little secretary with a tense expression and a tense body, who knew that the boss in front of her who could decide her life and death was silently scoring her in her heart.In the end, he decided to keep her for now just because of such a cup of coffee? !

She was simply afraid, afraid that the rumors she had heard before were all true.I'm afraid that the man in front of me, who is rumored to have some weird hobbies, will catch her deeply.I am even more afraid... more afraid of losing this high-paying job that I found with great difficulty.

Entanglement and fear collided deep in my heart.

Coupled with the fact that the big boss in front of him was so busy drinking coffee, he seemed to have completely forgotten her as a breath of air.

The sense of collision in her heart deepened even more.

For a moment, I was a little overwhelmed, so I just stood there obediently, holding the edge of the tray tightly with both hands, pursing my lips hard, and lowering my head.

But inwardly she was curious as if a kitten was scratching her. After staying in this eerie and silent space for a while, she finally couldn't help it, quietly raised her eyelids, and turned her eyes toward the office. The man behind the desk looks.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his eyes, he was caught——

Their eyes collided.

The little secretary is like a frightened little rabbit.

Immediately, the eyelids closed, and the turtle acted as if it wasn't her who just raised his eyes to peek.But there was no movement on the other side for a while, she still couldn't help it, raised her eyes again, and looked at him.

But when he looked at it, he found that Lei Boss, the always cold-faced workaholic, actually had a smile on his lips! ! !


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