A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2637 The tender time before parting [10]

Hearing what Bao Jinghan said, Yun Chunxi didn't know how to speak.

A piece of dry steamed siomai was poked on the chopsticks, his lips pursed, and he frowned blankly as he looked at Bao Jinghan.

But the person in front of him calmly picked up the spoon, opened the carton containing the bean curd, and ate slowly.Her face was pale, her eyes were calm, and she couldn't tell at all. What she was thinking in her heart made people think that she was really concentrating on eating!


Yun Chunxi subconsciously swallowed dry foam, his voice seemed a bit loud in this quiet room.

However, she didn't feel embarrassed. Since she couldn't see it, Bao Jinghan said it bluntly. She felt that she should ask herself to let go, right?

Thinking of this, Yun Chunxi subconsciously slapped himself in the heart.

What's wrong with her, how can she think bad of her best friend who used to talk about everything?

Obviously, she used to hate this kind of guy the most, who tempted each other, suspected each other, kept a distance from everyone, and tied a rope around his mouth.How did he become such a person?

Did it really answer that sentence?

——The cruelty of growing up is that we gradually grow up and become the person we used to hate the most!

Heh, Yun Chunxi, is this you still you? !

"Jinghan, I'm sorry."

"...What are you sorry for?"

Bao Jinghan froze for a moment, stopped his chopsticks, and still had a small piece of bouncy shrimp in his mouth.She raised her eyes to look at Yun Chunxi, touched those eyes that seemed to be full of apology, but also seemed to be covered with a layer of complex expressions that made it difficult to see clearly, and she seemed to understand something in an instant, bitterness He lowered his eyes with a smile.

Swallowing what was in her mouth, she raised her eyes again, looked at Yun Chunxi who was about to speak, and said, "It was my mistake. I ignored those people I should trust, thinking that I would not tell them, and kept it secret Yes, I was protecting them, but in fact, I was so wrong. I forgot, I would worry about them, and they would also worry about me. Xizi, the one who should say sorry is me. But... the friendship between the two of us , don’t just say I’m sorry, others will probably scold us for being hypocritical!”

After speaking emotionally, another playful joke appeared.

In an instant, the slightly awkward atmosphere between the two became active.

"Then, are you going to ask me to torture you now, or to confess yourself?"

Miss Yun was no longer sullen, and raised her eyebrows at her best friend with a smile.

The tone was exceptionally relaxed and cheerful, and it felt as if he had returned to the past and found the feeling of getting along with his best friend again.

Relaxed, without any constraints.

"Where do you start?"

Eyebrows raised slightly, Bao Jinghan asked indifferently.

Yun Chunxi swallowed his lemonade, and stared at the person in front of him: "You...where else do you start? By the way, you plan to tell me a long series of stories!"

"Well, it's even more exciting than the eight o'clock file." After finishing speaking, Bao Jinghan seemed to confirm this in his heart, and nodded in a serious manner: "At least I think so."

Seeing this, Yun Chunxi's temperament is very straightforward, and he is no longer restrained and nervous, directly revealing his true nature, throwing a big white eye at her and saying: "Well, don't tell me it's eight o'clock, just take it from the nearest one." ! What did you mean by that phone call just now? Who did you make a deal with... Ah, I have no other intentions, just worried that you will be in danger..."


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