Seeing it, Bao Jinghan, who was connected to him, fell silent.

Lei Jiesen felt a sense of frustration and a little regret. He felt that what he just said was too much, so he hurriedly raised his hands in surrender and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong. Cynthia, you just want to know, his Physical condition? Actually, I don’t know much, I just learned some from Yu and Qiao Shukuang’s words. If you want to know more details, you might as well contact Yu directly, I think...he will definitely give you the most accurate, and Professional answer."


Hearing the sound, Bao Jinghan laughed abruptly.

Immediately, he raised his head and bent his eyes to look at the screen.That gaze is very subtle, it seems that through the screen, you can see through the heart of the person connected to the other side...

In his opinion, Lu Yan will not be uncooperative, on the contrary, he will be very cooperative.

This is the difference of that man, and it is also what makes him very optimistic.

After Lei Jiesen explained, he quietly looked at Bao Jinghan, trying to find a flaw in her expression.But he only saw a trace of tiredness on her face, and he didn't catch any other emotions.


Suddenly regaining consciousness, Bao Jinghan blinked vigorously, reached out and pinched his temples, and then raised his head.And that line of sight was once again focused on Lei Jiesen in the video.

"Sorry, Jason, I was thinking about something just now, and my mind was distracted." The corner of his mouth moved and he smiled.Bao Jinghan was rather tired at the moment, but she glanced at the clock in the lower right corner, and she put down the idea of ​​going to sleep for a while.

She only pressed her temples and massaged them for a while before she spoke again and asked, "Qiao Xin... What's going on? I heard that she disappeared?!"

"Well, the news from Qiao Shukuang's side is indeed missing. And I asked the special assistant there to follow up. By the way, I also asked him to notify you as soon as he has news."

While explaining, Lei Jiesen turned his eyes to look at Assistant Winter who was standing on the side, trying to lower his sense of presence, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and raised his eyebrows at him.Then I saw him gesturing to him and asking him if the special assistant who was far away in a foreign country had contacted him.


It's impossible for that girl Qiao Xin to play such a boring game.

However, it is not ruled out that she has encountered some troubles, or there is something she can't figure out, and she wants to be quiet by herself, so in this way, she stays away from those who are staring at her, and then hides quietly get up...


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