On Bar Street, there are many people like Qiao Xin who are being supported or carried on their shoulders.

Therefore, the departure of this group of people did not attract much attention.As for what was going on in that box, Bao Jinghan didn't bother to pay attention.She just wanted to know exactly what stimulated Qiao Xin, why she was alone a few days ago, but within a few days, she hid herself, got drunk all day long, and made herself like this Give the picture.

If she wakes up and sees her current appearance, I don't know if she will despise herself.

All the way out of the bar, Bao Jinghan's head was full of thoughts.

But when he walked out of the bar, the cold wind outside the door blew, and the little devil who was leaning on the bodyguard, half asleep, half asleep, and immersed in a drunken psychedelic state shivered suddenly.Probably because of this coldness, the hotness of the alcohol was aroused, and even her head, which was about to become a paste, was instantly sober.


The drunk-eyed Qiao Xin was giggling, not noticing the steps under her feet, and went straight to the soles of her feet.In addition, her movement towards Bao Jinghan was particularly large and sudden, and the bodyguards didn't dare to hold her too tightly, so it was good that she rushed out directly.

Fortunately, Bao Jinghan reacted quickly enough to grab her.

And the bodyguard who was stunned at the side was even more well-trained to catch her.With a light movement of the hand, Qiao Xin was rescued from the edge of close contact with the stairs.

But Bao Jinghan was in a terrible situation, because of this sudden inertia, he took a few steps back and bumped into a neon light post on one side, before he stabilized his figure.However, the palm of his hand was still pricked by the sharp needles on the lamp post when he was holding down the lamp post.

A drop of bright red blood gushed out.

Biting her lip, Bao Jinghan spread her palms and glanced, frowning slightly.The habitual first aid instinct was not forgotten, and he quickly squeezed the sides of the wound to squeeze out some blood.

"Miss Bo, you are hurt!"

"It's nothing, it's just pricked by the needle on the pillar. The dirt has been squeezed out. Put some ointment on the car, and it won't leave any traces. It's not in the way, so don't make a fuss!"

He stopped the bodyguard who wanted to let go of Qiao Xin, and came to check on her. Bao Jinghan spread his palms, the corners of his mouth slightly raised into a bitter smile, and there was more helplessness in his eyes. Landing there, with a happy expression on his face, he jumped happily in the shackles of the bodyguards, tried his best to break free from the shackles, and danced towards Bao Jinghan for Qiao Xin, who begged for a hug.


Sighing silently, Bao Jinghan was drunk before, but he didn't know what he was like.

But she took care of Yun Chunxi and Su Nuanxia who were drunk, but when these two were drunk, they never made such a fuss like Qiao Xin!

At most, Yun Chunxi would just cry bitterly, give her a shoulder to lean on, say some heart-warming words to enlighten her, comfort her and fall asleep, that's all.Su Nuanxia is even more simple. When she is drunk, she always hugs a piece of clothing and dances with herself closed. When she is tired from dancing, she falls asleep.


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