A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2780 wishful thinking, already planned

"Cough, Miss Bo is being modest. By the way, you should have inherited the tangled roses from the Roshshuyar family for a long time, right? Did you get the jade color or the scarlet color? We old men also open our eyes?"

The elder with a white beard quickly withdrew his scrutiny, as if trying to smooth things over, and also seemed to be speaking politely to her.

The middle-aged man standing next to him, with tense muscles and a centipede-like scar across his face from the bridge of his nose to the end of his right eye, also spoke at the right time: "That's right, this twig rose is not ordinary. How many years has it been since we have seen that thing? Hehe...Miss Bo, I saw that thing once when I was very young, when your grandmother inherited the family business. It is so beautiful that it is impressive Without opening our eyes, if it is possible, I hope that Miss Bo can show it, so that we can open our eyes again and taste its astonishing beauty again!"

Heh, taste its astonishing beauty?

Bao Jinghan slightly raised his eyebrows, his face was calm, but he still scolded these old guys all over in his heart.

Don't think she doesn't know what they're up to.

That thing is equivalent to half of the Bo family's country. Whoever holds it is holding her life and the Bo family's life.They propose to appreciate and appreciate it now, and they may propose to keep and collect it later!

Fortunately, she handed it to Lu Yan early.

I believe that in his hands, even if these guys are brave enough, they will have to think a few rounds and plan carefully before they can grab it!

"I got the Jade Rose. Indeed, as everyone said, it is really beautiful. When I got it for the first time, I was amazed by its beauty. But unfortunately, I can't put it back now. Take it out and give it to everyone to appreciate and contemplate.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Bao Jinghan made a gesture of apology and helplessness, and continued to smile, "Maybe you don't know, but there is a rule in Rosh Shuyar's house. If the tangled rose is passed into the hands of a woman, the woman will take her away." Hand over, the husband recognized by her. I believe everyone should know that I got married just three and a half months ago. I love my husband very much, trust him, and recognize him, so... of course, the tangled branch Rose, in his hands!"

After the words fell, everyone's expressions changed a few times.

The Great Elder was fine, but the faces of the other people changed back and forth, just like Sichuan's changing faces.

It's like an unpredictable situation.

If you stare at someone carefully to observe, you will definitely be dazzled by this face that changes back and forth, sometimes ferocious, sometimes disgusted, sometimes not angry, and sometimes angry!

The muscular man who stood up before couldn't hold back any longer and jumped out, staring at a pair of bull's-eyes, his thick black eyebrows slanted upwards to both sides.Coupled with the trembling of the facial muscles, the centipede-like scar was highlighted, and his ferocious face immediately supported a bit of a sinister look.

If another child was in front of him, he would have been scared out of his mind by this guy's ferocious look.

"nonsense! (nonsense)"


Unmoved, Bao Jinghan blew on her nails, raised her eyelids lazily, squinted at the guy who was almost angry and wanted to rush up to strangle her, and asked calmly, "Your Excellency, I abide by my family's house rules." , what's wrong?"

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