A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2783 A thorn in the flesh, get rid of it quickly

The vicious Second Elder said very disdainfully.

Now, he is not afraid of anyone except the Great Elder and the Seventh Elder.

These two people are his backstage, and they support him, and he controls the money bag that can honor them, even if he walks sideways, no one will dare to say no to him.As for the other elders, before, when he didn't take the position of father, he might have been careful to accompany him with a smile on his face, but now that the times have changed, he won't put these old guys in his eyes anymore.

Perhaps it was because of the gradual enlargement of this desire that his appetite became bigger and bigger, unknowingly becoming a thorn in the side of Terence who wanted to get rid of it all.

However, at the same time, Terence has become a thorn in the side of the restless people like the second elder, and he can't wait to get rid of him!

It's just that Bao Jinghan's arrival made them feel more guarded and uneasy.

They understood that Terence must have pulled her into his camp by trying his best to get her over.In this way, unless they can get a bigger temptation than what he offered, they can take her for their own use, otherwise——

The First Elder squinted his hidden eyes, and promptly gave the Second Elder a hand to stop what he was about to say. He smiled kindly and made a gesture of invitation to Bao Jinghan, and then said, "Miss Bo, can I ask you?" You thia, don't mind. My nephew has been straight since he was a child. He only loves to play with bullets. He has a clumsy mouth and can't speak. Please forgive me if I offend you. You can lead the assassination alliance back. For the temple, it is a happy event, don't get upset because of his stupid mouth."

As he spoke, he turned his head slightly and spread out his palms: "Please come in!"

Bao Jinghan raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't say much.

He only glanced at the guy with a straight gut and a stupid mouth that the great elder said, smiled coldly silently, and then turned his head to look at Terence who was still standing beside her.Looking at the beautiful eyes of the demon man who was quietly watching the show, Bao Jinghan unceremoniously slapped his arm hard and punched him lightly but with great force.

"Hey, the door of your temple is easy to enter!"

"Hmm... I had a lot of trouble when I came in last time. Maybe they saw you as a lady, and they became gentlemen one by one, right?"

All said sarcastically, Terence led a group of people past the elder and walked over.

Bao Jinghan gestured to Aze without leaving a trace, and followed.

But when passing by the Fifth Elder, she quietly raised the end of her eyes, glanced in his direction, then quickly withdrew her gaze, followed Terence and his group through a long corridor, and disappeared among the crowd. in sight.

The ten elders were left behind. After staring in which direction for a while, they all made excuses and dispersed.

The remaining few are all headed by the Great Elder.

Among them, there must be the second child who sings with him, and there is another backer of the second child, the seventh elder who is also in the same age group as the great elder and fifth elder.

The difference was that he was a sullen man with curly silver hair.

At first glance, it is easy to be overlooked.He doesn't have the aura of a high-ranking person, on the contrary, he has a very small sense of existence and is easily ignored by others.But if you look into his eyes, you will find that there is a frightening coldness in this person's eyes, so dark that there is no light at all!

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