Across half of the city, seeing that he had already driven into the dense sycamore forest in the suburbs, Aze, who looked at the rearview mirror from time to time, suddenly reminded in a low voice: "No, Miss, there are also cars in the back." Problem, they want to outflank us!"

Bao Jinghan turned his face to look back, and ordered in a low voice, "Rush over."

"It's too late, you look ahead!"

I saw two big cars coming forward from both sides with the gas pedals slammed on, turned the steering wheel sideways, and blocked in front of Bao Jinghan's car.And the following cars also stopped, tightly surrounding her driver's seat on the boulevard in the sycamore forest.

Bao Jinghan looked around vigilantly, and saw that several cars opened their doors at this moment, and several men in black got out of the car one by one, most of them were holding... baseball bats?

Oh, maybe an iron rod!

Only one person took an umbrella, went around to the other side of the car, opened the umbrella, and opened the door.

A thin man got out of the car, stood under the umbrella, and looked up in her direction.

Through the glass of the car window that was blurred by rain, Bao Jinghan clearly recognized that the man who got out of the car was the guy whom she broke into a good thing last night.


What does this guy mean now?

Could it be that because he crashed, he and a woman she hadn't even seen face to face in a dark corner of the banquet, so he planned to intercept her halfway today to retaliate?Or... directly in this dense forest - kill people to silence!

Look at this situation... Well, these conjectures are really a little bit reliable.

I just don't know, is this formation really capable, or does it just look more imposing?

Of course, there is a third possibility.

This is the guy who was sent by a certain faction among the elders yesterday to give her a blow.

Thinking so, Bao Jinghan stroked his chin, and raised the corners of his mouth playfully.

I sneered in my heart——

Oh, good feelings!Today she wants to see what kind of play this guy is here to sing for her!

"Miss, don't get out of the car, let me handle it!"

"No, there's no need to go down, let him come by himself!"

Hearing this, A Ze seemed to be taken aback, and immediately understood what Bao Jinghan meant.

No, it was already shown in the rearview mirror. Seeing that Bao Jinghan stopped the car, but no one came out for a long time, that guy probably lost his composure, so he led a group of people and slowly narrowed the encirclement. Bo Jinghan's driver's side gathered.

After a while, they all approached and surrounded her car in the center.

The men in black on the left and right were all vicious, holding long sticks, as if they would smash at her car at the slightest command!

Bao Jinghan sat calmly, sat in the back seat, continued to move his hands, typing on the keyboard at a leisurely pace.A Ze opened the car window a little, and asked in a low voice, "I don't know where you are from? In the clear sky and broad daylight, it might be a little inappropriate to surround my young lady's car like this?"

"Isn't it right? Hehe, we stopped this car. There's nothing wrong with it. As for those on that road, I'll send you to God later, and you can ask God and let him tell you that we are that road." It’s good on the road, hahahaha—”

A burst of piercing laughter came, causing Bao Jinghan's fingers tapping on the keyboard to stiffen slightly, and his brows could not help but frown.

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