
With an ambiguous smile, Terence raised his eyebrows provocatively at Bao Jinghan, and then changed the subject, without staying or fussing over the topic just now.

His eyes fell on the stack of materials in Bao Jinghan's hand again, and he glanced at the small print on the cover. He raised his chin slightly, and gestured condescendingly with his eyes: "What is this, you are holding it so tightly... ...What, is it important?"

"Well... This is a surprise, a surprise that surprises me very much. Later in the meeting, I will take it out and borrow it for you to read. But now—"

Bao Jinghan paused her voice intentionally to whet his appetite, she slowly raised her head, leaned her neck, and looked at the guy who was much taller than her.But if we lose a head, we will definitely not lose the battle.Don't look at Bo Xiaoniu looking up at him at this time, but from Terence's point of view, the woman in front of him has enough courage to be on par with him, and the stubbornness in her eyes made him take a three-pointer directly.

It seems that they are already in the category of parallel and direct vision with her.


"But now, I want to ask you a question, about... about the imperial physician."

Bao Jinghan finished speaking unhurriedly, and when she finished speaking, she still did not forget to glance at the car that just came into view from the end of her eyes.I saw that the hot red sports car hadn't stopped, and the door opened.With a touch of elegance, he seems to be able to cover up the dazzling crimson color of the car. He still has a coquettish look that belongs to him alone. The slim white coat is covered in his casual clothes, which seems incompatible. The shape, but it happened that he spread the demeanor of the model walking on the stage.

He walked quickly.

Terence followed Bao Jinghan's gaze and glanced at Yu Yaoxie, a meaningful smile flashed across his eyes.After a flash, he turned his face again, looked at Bao Jinghan, and asked lightly, "Oh? What's wrong with him?"

"He has been following me for the past few days. He has returned to the Bo's manor without telling me, and he is still eating and drinking in the manor. This makes me very puzzled. I dare to ask Your Excellency Terence, our temple is really poor. Is this the level? The dignified elite of the temple, the ghost-handed Shura who kills people without blood, is pitifully going to my Bo family to beg for food. Tsk tsk, how pitiful!"

When approaching, Yu Yaoxie just heard Bao Jinghan's emotion in the second half of the sentence, and suddenly he felt a surge of hot blood in his chest, and he almost spurted blood directly to show her.

Terence, on the other hand, was neither sad nor happy. He only glanced at Yu Yaoyao with a weird expression, and a thought-provoking smile flashed across his eyes. , are you asking for favors with me, or are you hinting to me that next time I can do the same thing and follow you all the way to Bo's house as a guest? Hehe, I believe that Mr. Bo and Mr. Bo Junchen are very hospitable , you will definitely treat me like a guest of honor!"

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I asked you to pay the bill. He is not a guest I invited into the house. He is an uninvited guest who eats and drinks. He is still shameless. So please, take care of your subordinates In addition, I will also settle the accounts he owed. I will ask Aze to calculate the list or something later, and then send someone to deliver it to you. I hope you can fulfill your promise and take it out as a temple Let me take a good look at the style of the leader!"

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