Although he didn't like to deal with such a delicate woman, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this should be the face of those normal visiting people he has seen, right?Not as she just pretended, like a lost... little elk!


The man whose thoughts were drifting away hurriedly shook his head to stabilize his mind.

And the person on the other side of the receiver also gave him a response.

I thought the result this time would be the same as last time, but I never thought that this time he did it!

So, after hanging up the phone, he didn't bother Qiao Xin any more.

He quickly opened the door, showed her the way, finished his work, returned to his original seat, and continued to stare at the monitor screen intently.

On the screen, everything in the nursing home is as usual and orderly.

But for some reason, he couldn't help looking at Qiao Xin's figure.Probably because she was not allowed to be visited before, so I always have more worries in my heart, so I pay more attention to her unconsciously...


After passing the gate, Qiao Xin seemed to have passed a hurdle, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the final analysis, there was still a feeling of doing something wrong in my heart, and I was beating uneasy.At the same time, I couldn't help thinking a little arrogantly, but fortunately she was clever, and then Bao Jinghan's name got in the way.However, this was also her luck. When she heard that Bo Jinghan introduced the nursing home to Lin Xing, she talked with Bao Jinghan about this nursing home, and learned that Bo Jinghan had sent the younger sister of her manager Fiona in.At that time, she was curious about the fate of the manager who had betrayed her, so she asked a few more questions before learning about the past.

If she hadn't been curious to ask a few more questions at the beginning, unless she could climb over the seemingly quiet and lax defenses of the nursing home today, the external defenses can be called iron walls.Otherwise, if you want to follow the right path, you may have nowhere to go!


"Hello, are you Miss Qiao Xinqiao?"

Qiao Xin was thinking, when suddenly she heard a human voice, it was very clear and sweet, but it really shocked her.

Bringing her back to her senses and raising her eyes, she realized that she had come here unknowingly.

And the woman in nurse's uniform in front of her was also confused by Qiao Xin's startled look. Although the smile on her face was still there, her eyes seemed to be asking again. nothing.

Qiao Xin stabilized her mind and showed her her trademark sweet smile.

Then she calmly handed over the information card in her hand: "Hi, I'm Qiao Xin, who's here to visit."

The sweet smile made the nurse, who was a little embarrassed a moment ago, calm down. She took the information card from Qiao Xin, checked the information with the instrument in her hand, and then politely led Qiao Xin to the small building behind her. go.

Leading people all the way to the door of the corresponding room, the nurse handed the information card back to Qiao Xin with a smile, and said again: "Miss Qiao, you have an hour to visit, so I won't bother you. If you need anything, you can Ring the bell anytime, right at the patient's bedside."

Qiao Xin raised her lips naturally, thanked the nurse, swiped the information card, and went into the room.

What came to the nostrils was not the smell of medicine, but a faint scent of flowers.

But I didn't want to, there was another person in this room, sitting beside the hospital bed, arranging the bouquet of flowers placed by the bed.

Seeing the visitor, the man seemed to turn around to greet him, but when he saw Qiao Xin's face, he opened his mouth in astonishment, and it took him a long time to call out, "Miss Qiao, why is it you?!"

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