A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 293 Unparalleled Shocking Power


A gunshot, accompanied by the sound of something falling on the ground, startled Bao Jinghan who was sleeping, and opened one eye in a daze.

There was darkness in front of him, but the smell of blood rushed into his nose.

Bao Jinghan wanted to wake himself up.

She struggled desperately with willpower to fight drowsiness.

But for some reason, she has suffered from severe insomnia recently, and there will be times like today when she can't wake up.

It's like... the feeling of eating a small handful of stability.

In the dimness, she seemed to see a few black figures flashing out of the darkness.

Then, Lu Yan, who was handcuffed with her, seemed to move.

Handcuffs bump.

Her wrist was slightly raised, but it quickly fell back to its original position.

"Say, who sent you here!"

Lu Yan's voice came from above his head.

Different from the past, his voice at this moment was indifferent and frightening, as sinister as a knife blade.

But there is a part between the words, one can only feel the indescribable domineering and majesty, that is the innate, aloof arrogance!

The man's answer was so breathless that even if the room was silent, the drowsy Bao Jinghan couldn't hear clearly.

But she clearly noticed that Lu Yan raised his wrist again——


Seemingly awake but not awake.

Bao Jinghan reached out to him unconsciously.

What he grabbed was something cold and hard.

Lu Yan didn't expect that Xiao Nizi, who had taken sleeping pills, would wake up at this time, and her hand was holding the silencer added to the front of the gun in his hand.

The few figures in the darkness were also shocked.

But soon it was back to normal.

"First... Young Master Lu, this person..."

A black shadow suddenly spoke, except for the sudden pause, his voice was almost flat like a notification tone set by a computer, with impeccable cadence.

"Take him down for interrogation, even if he peels off the skin, ask him about the people and plans above him. After that, you know what to do with him!"

Mellow voice, deep.

That submissive ruthlessness permeates it, carrying an unparalleled shocking power!

In the quiet darkness.

The black shadow seemed to say something again, and then disappeared again.

Bao Jinghan's intermittent sleepy voice came from beside him.

"You... what... people? Lu... Yan..."

Tightly holding the silencer on the Italian Beretta 9/pistol with her fingertips, Bao Jinghan murmured, but in the end it was not stronger than the effect of the sleeping pills, and she calmed down again.

Lu Yan patted her on the back lightly to make her relax.

After a while, the bedroom door opened again.

A figure walked in.

"Boss, that man has already confessed. Ye Tengda is indeed the one who bought him behind the scenes and instructed him!"

The voice paused, the man snorted, and snorted coldly with disdain: "In this world, is there really a father who pays to murder his own daughter? I have opened my eyes today! However, what opened my eyes even more is that our Future sister-in-law, your willpower is really good! I gave her a full dose for two people, let alone enough for her to sleep for two days..."

"Okay, don't be so obedient here! Hurry up and clean up the room, take care of everything that needs to be dealt with, and return early tomorrow morning!"

In the dark, the man laughed jokingly.

Throwing a gleaming key to Lu Yan, he said in an embarrassing way: "Boss, Qiao Boss said it, take this opportunity, you hurry up and learn from that brother, and take a set of pornographic photos in your hand." , the fox also becomes a good dog!"

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