This woman, this woman is definitely a complex of lunatics, perverted snakes and psychoses!

When it erupts, it's even scarier than that ghostly demon like Ivan!

If he keeps getting tough in front of her, then what awaits him is probably the result of being tough all his life.For example, the whole body becomes stiff after death...

Such thoughts circled in my mind.

The embarrassing human-shaped zongzi, panting weakly, waiting for the bloodshot eyes, looking at the gentle smile in front of him, makes people feel like a spring breeze, like a girl who sees a ray of sunshine.His eyes were slightly dazed, but the fear in his heart remained undiminished.

Bao Jinghan was not in a hurry to ask questions, and gave him enough time to catch his breath and organize his words.

Still playing with the table knife with blood beads hanging from the tip in his hand, his beautiful eyes are slightly squinted, with the tails of the eyes upturned, like a cat smelling fishy.The silk hair fluttered slightly, brushing past her ears, making her ears itchy. She was about to reach out to scratch, but saw him straighten his back vigorously, as if trying to sit up.

Seeing this, Bao Jinghan's brows couldn't help being raised, and they flew obliquely, with an air of arrogance and publicity, but it wasn't annoying.

Moving her ears slightly, she slowly curled the corners of her lips, stretched out her lovely pink tongue, and slid across her ruddy lips.

Such a cute little gesture, if he saw it in a restaurant on weekdays, he would definitely think that this girl is a cute little guy who is greedy for food, and he met the food that she has been thinking about for a long time.But at this moment, he wasn't half pleasing to the eye, and he didn't feel how cute the girl in front of him, who could hold a deadly table knife with a shield, came to cut his flesh.He just felt creepy, a feeling of fear that he would be topped by a demon, and if he didn't pay attention, he would become a meal in her stomach.The fear is beyond description, it is indescribable!

I'm afraid that only by being in this place can I feel the chilling fear!

Besides Bao Jinghan, there was also Ivan who frightened him the most.

As a man, even though there was no change in the expression on Ivan's face, but with his "devil" title that has been announced early, and the obvious excitement in his eyes at this moment, he can be sure that even if he dies here, Ivan will not be unhappy in the slightest.On the contrary, maybe Ivan is looking forward to it very much. This delicate and shameless woman in front of her picks up the table knife in her hand and cuts his throat? !

"What do you want to know... I, I said, I said it all!"

"Hey, I like people who are knowledgeable."

Bao Jinghan was very satisfied with the understanding of the human-shaped rice dumpling in front of him, and the smile on his lips deepened.

A drop of blood finally slid down the tip of the knife.

She caught the drop of blood with her fingertips and rolled it down with her thumb, then frowned in disgust.

Just when she was about to look up, she saw a piece of wet tissue, which was handed to her by a big white and beautiful hand at the right time.The skin on that hand was extremely white, with obvious Caucasian features, and it was undoubtedly Ivan's.

Bao Jinghan didn't flirt with him either. He took the paper towel and wiped his blood-stained hands, and then wiped the knife in his hand. He glanced at the human-shaped rice dumpling lying on the ground, stood up, and turned back. Sit down in the original position.In the next second, the position beside her fell, and she turned her head dissatisfied, and looked at the man who came to rub her position when she clearly had a position.

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