Such an expression is really too evil!

The special assistant shuddered, shrank his neck, and calmly reduced his sense of existence.

And at this moment, the big boss in front of him seemed to see Bao Jinghan's intentions.He stood up indifferently, put one hand in his pocket, and called her faintly.Stopping Bao Jinghan's intention to open the door, she didn't rush, and when she turned around, she said again: "Your answer sheet is very beautiful, you let me see that the results in the past three months, um... very suitable The ruthless style of the past helmsmen of the Assassination Alliance. But, are you really ruthless or superficially ruthless, maybe only you will know?"

As he said that, he narrowed his eyes, looked at Bao Jinghan with a smile, and whispered again: "You can meet whoever you want to see, but I hope you can take care of the overall situation and don't add extra complications to my plan. Also, I hope you can Consider my suggestion and cooperate with me, I can guarantee that you and the Bo family will have no worries. Whether it is now or in the future, it is the same!"

I have to admit, Ivan's last sentence is really too tempting.


"Is there any difference between working with you or working with Terence?"

Isn't cooperating with these two people all about seeking skin from a tiger?

Since they are all seeking skins from tigers, what is the difference?

While muttering to himself, he smiled slightly, Bao Jinghan took a deep look at him, left this intriguing smile, opened the door and left the room.

Seeing her coming out, the people waiting outside the door seemed to have received instructions, raised their hands to greet her, and led her through the corridor and down the elevator.

As for the special assistant standing at the door, he stared at the door thoughtfully for a while, and soon recovered, he quickly closed the door, and walked quickly towards Miss Thia, who was standing beside the bloodstain in front of the tea table. ..."

"She will agree, no, it should be said that she has already acquiesced. You can continue to do what I told you before, and she will not disturb our actions. As for other... If there is any movement from her people, you Don't worry about it, if it really conflicts with our plan, come and tell me in advance."


"No but, and there will be no surprises."

Tomorrow morning, as long as the news of Bao Jinghan's disappearance gets out, there is nothing to salvage.

Ah, I really don't know what expression Terence will have when the time comes?And what will happen to those elders who are still unable to live in peace?The temple, after tonight, it should be in another chaos!

He is so looking forward to it!

Ivan squinted his eyes, meditating, and didn't listen to the worrying whispers of the special assistant in his ears.It wasn't until the special assistant handed an invitation letter in front of him that he came back to his senses.Looking down, the originally feminine and handsome face, with the deepening of the smile, was covered with a mysterious and treacherous veil.

But just for a moment, that thin veil seemed to disappear.

Ivan took the invitation letter, but did not open it. He only looked at the special assistant with his eyes, and then swept towards the dark red spot on the carpet in distaste. It quickly returned to calm and became icy cold.

Just like his voice: "Someone came to change the carpet, took it out and burned it. As for that guy, shut it up and entertain it, wait

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