In the middle of speaking, Bao Jinghan paused.

As if thinking of something, she frowned, and said in a deep thought: "No, it's better not to tell him. He is now in the enemy camp, and he is the biggest bargaining chip in his hands. If he knew in advance, I'm afraid It will be a bad thing if Quan Leng finds out at that time. You just need to tell him that I was taken away by Terence, and it’s fine if there is something temporary, and you should not reveal anything else!"

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, miss, I have already done what you ordered. But here, Sir Terence seems to have noticed something, and just called me to ask if I know where you went. Can you get in touch?"

" did you answer?"

Tilting his head, Bao Jinghan asked lightly.

The fingertips unconsciously wrapped around his hair again, carelessly playing with it.

"I said, I didn't see you at the place where I was chasing, and found that my tracking contact with you was disconnected. When the signal tracking was connected, I realized that you had gone to another place. I also showed him the tracking signal, but he...doesn't seem to believe it, but he doesn't seem too anxious."

"For the time being, he won't come to you to ask about my affairs. What should you do and continue doing, as if you don't have any news from me."

"Yes, I understand."

"Help me with one more thing, let Xueying and Ajiu change shifts, and replace him to watch Terence, and tell me immediately if there is any change. As for Quan Leng, you also ask the people following to step up their guard, and they should be there soon. Someone wants to push him out first to find the way and die. And Ji Fan...Although I don't really want to see him, let's call him over!"

"Quan Leng? Miss, what do you mean, Sir Terence is ready to attack?"

A thought flashed through his mind like lightning, and Aze's mouth was faster than the thought, and he immediately asked, "Shall we help?!"

"Heh, someone gave Terence such a large gift, can he not give back one or two? Besides, Quan Leng is just a pawn to that person, it is useless, and it is pushed out to squeeze out the last remaining value. Make the best use of it, that's what he does."

That style of pie and ivan's demon attributes are exactly the same!

She wouldn't believe it if it was said that they were not from the same family.

Bao Jinghan curled her lips, and there was a trace of excitement and a faint sharpness hidden between her brows and eyes. She seemed to have thought of something very exciting, and said with a smile: "As for us, we don't need to do anything, just hold back. Believe me, Terence won't let him romp around alive..."

Hehe, at least in her understanding, Terence is not a kind person who is easy to talk to!

A Ze on the other side was silent for a moment, and he simply answered without asking any more questions.

After a pause, he continued: "Miss, there is one more thing that I need to inform you in advance."

"Well, what? Say it."

"It's about Ms. Qiao Xin. She used your name to enter the nursing home. However, she went to Ms. Xia Yu's ward. And now, now... now Ms. Xia Yu is sent to the emergency room. "

what? !

If Bao Jinghan still looked very indifferent when listening to A Ze's first half, then the three words at the end shattered the indifference on her face, making her show a stunned expression of astonishment.

Oh my god, what's wrong with Qiao Xin?

She's crazy, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

Is it possible that love begets hate?He hates so much that he doesn't care about it, and puts murder and arson on the face of it!

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