A knot that was simple but difficult to untie.

Lu Yan straightened up and picked Bao Jinghan's chin with his fingertips.

Suddenly approaching, kissed the red lips lightly: "Just like you, I have a secret to tell!"

Bao Jinghan raised his eyebrows slightly.

At first hearing this, she was a little surprised.

Thought he knew it!

But soon, Bao Jinghan let himself relax.

She bent her lips slightly, and narrowed her gaze: "Hearing your tone, I suddenly feel that I have finally found something in common!"

"Why, are you going to make a pair with me?" Lu Yan let go of her jaw and asked jokingly.

Bao Jinghan turned his head, stood in front of the full-length mirror as if nothing had happened, and compared the clothes in his hand to his body.

He changed hands and took another set, and said while gesticulating: "I don't like to make do, and I'm very picky about taste."

What she said has a lot of meaning.

And Lu Yan understood very well, but he continued calmly: "It just so happens that I don't like to make do, and I'm also very picky about tastes! But recently, I've fallen in love with... cherry, peach, and flavor!"

The last three words, he said very low.

It was said close to her ear, the tone was very light, and the tone was extremely ambiguous.

This reminded Bao Jinghan of what happened yesterday morning.

A joke caused by the cherry-flavored Durex that Su Nuan Xiasai gave her!

The corners of the mouth are slightly stiff.

Bao Jinghan took a deep breath, tried to force out a smile, turned to look at Lu Yan, his eyes were fixed: "Young Master Lu, Ming people don't speak dark words. How many sleeping pills did you let me take last night? "

In fact, what Bao Jinghan wanted to know more was when she was recruited.

"Jing Han, that was a mistake."

He didn't want her to see that bloody scene, so he specially prepared sleeping pills for her, hoping that she could sleep peacefully.

But the result seems to be unsatisfactory.

Oh, and that little bastard who proposed to him last night.As soon as he came back today, he packed that kid up and sent him to the training base for "rebooting"!

"Thank you for your mistake."

Bao Jinghan suddenly thanked him, curled his lips, and looked at the man in the mirror: "Although I don't know whether your so-called mistake is because you prepared too much or too little medicine. But for me, I should say thank you .Firstly, you let me sleep well, and secondly, you also let me know clearly that Ye Tengda really has no sympathy for me!"

"Is there no third? Don't you think you will sleep very comfortably in my arms?"

"It's true that I had a good rest. But the third point is not true, because I think sleeping pills are more effective!"

Bao Jinghan gave a serious conclusion.

Then, she suddenly turned her eyes and said decisively: "Actually, you don't need to drug me. Yesterday, even if you let me watch and headshot that person on the spot, I wouldn't blink."

Lu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and a touch of unknowing love came to his heart.

In the study just now, Bao Junchen fulfilled his promise and told him what Bao Jinghan had experienced during the five years of blaming him.

Although, what Bo Junchen told him was not all, and some of them even could only give a rough idea because of confidentiality issues.

But those, shocking enough, sigh.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yan came back to his senses and opened his arms towards her, encircled her from behind, and held her tightly in his arms.

"Bo Jinghan, the third piece of news. I want to trade it for another opportunity! An opportunity that you can rely on!"

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