Quan Leng gritted his teeth and said, that complexion was so gloomy that it seemed to have been stained with thick ink, it was terribly black.

Thinking of the failure he had suffered at the hands of the old man, and thinking of the woman who looked extremely weak and innocent, and was extremely deceitful, but she gave him a hand in the end, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth even more.Plus that little fox, and the adopted son of the Bo family...

All in all, how many times has he fallen at the hands of the Bo family?

It is estimated that he and the Bo family had feuds in their previous lives, and their horoscopes were not compatible.

Once he met them, no matter what he tried to do, nothing good came out in the end.

But this time, what he wants, he will be able to get it.Those bad pasts will never appear in his life again!Absolutely not!

Quan Leng planned a sinister trick in his heart.

Even if he didn't understand the meaning of his words, he could still understand the expression on his face and the deep meaning he expressed.

It seems that this time Quan Leng intends to meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddhas and kill the Buddhas, and then take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the old man Bo who stopped him?

It's just that he didn't realize that when he wanted to deal with the Bo family, the people of the Bo family who were lurking around him had already encircled and eaten away his last remaining strength. As long as he dared to make the last struggle, they would attack in groups and kill him. He regarded it as the first congratulatory gift before fighting that force.

Of course, he was right about one thing, that is, Chi Jun would nod his head in praise if he knew about it.This adoptive father, who was dazzled by the cloud of power, finally understood one thing - he and the Bo family did not get along with each other - indeed, they were indeed at odds, otherwise, they couldn't be in the hands of the Bo family one after another. I stumbled.more importantly.He has been planted by all the members of the Bo family before, and he is the only one left.But now this time, he must fall into the hands of his adopted son.

When the two armies are at war, sometimes it is a game of strategists.

Regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or a physical battle, as long as it is used properly, it is only about life or death.During the battle, there is no morality of life and death. Who deceived whom, who disguised whom, is a mystery.In the end, the most important thing is who wins and who wins.

Anyway, no matter how fiercely they fight, they can't get rid of a law in the end-you die and I live, and you live and I die.

"Cough, master, actually... there is actually some bad news I want to tell you."

After thinking about it, the man in gray decided to sell Chi Jun a favor, and swallowed all the possibilities behind the news of Bao Jinghan's disappearance that he had imagined in his mind.Bite the bullet and pour out the bad news.

"Bad news?" As soon as he heard these three words, Quan Leng's face immediately became ugly.

With a cold face and cold eyes, he stared straight at the man in gray who was still kneeling on the cold ground, and asked, "Tell me, what is the bad news!"

"Yes...the thing is like this, you asked me to send it to watch the Edwards family who has been making small moves recently, the crippled young master, he, he...he suddenly lost contact."


"Don't worry, listen to me. I, I got in touch with him not long ago. It was the day before yesterday. At that time, he said that the disabled young master seemed to be very impressed by a house hidden in the woods Interest, and people set up traps, trying to find out..."

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