A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

30. Catch the little wild cat - debt collection!

Get out of the crowd.

Bao Jinghan, who was supposed to return to the stage, or leave directly, glanced at the stage, then turned around suddenly.

"Everyone, I still have something to say!"

Facing the media reporters, facing the non-stop flashing photographic equipment.

Bao Jinghan slightly raised his head, his eyes swept across the crowd without haste, and in the eager anticipation of the crowd, he spoke again——

With flickering eyes, Bao Jinghan looked back at the man on the stage, raised a sweet and appropriate smile, turned around and broke the news: "The Bo family will have good news soon, please look forward to it, don't be too surprised!"

After speaking, she blinked mischievously, turned and left.

Leaving behind a group of reporters who are still immersed in the extreme breaking news and have not woken up...

As soon as she saw Bao Jinghan coming in, Fiona cried out.

"What?" Looking up, Bao Jinghan sized up the shrewd woman who was jumping with anger, and when she calmed down, Lin Moxun handed over the water glass, and asked with a smile, "Did you do something wrong? Or did you meet a ghost?"

"Little ancestor! You still have the mood to say this, just now—"

"Did I behave badly just now?" While drinking water, Bao Jinghan counted to her: "Exposing the identity of the fake reporter in public will, firstly, allow the press conference to proceed smoothly, and secondly, it will also have the effect of shocking the mountain. As for The good news I just released, I didn't name who it is...Maybe one day, grandpa takes a fancy to an old lady, so there will be good news!"

The sweet voice is gentle and soft, but it hides a deep meaning that is hard to find.

"However, they will also guess that it is you and Mr. Bo..."

Putting down the water glass, Bao Jinghan glanced at the time and interrupted Fiona directly.

"It's late, it's time to go back!" Turning her eyes, she smiled at Lin Moxun, who had been standing by her side all the time: "Brother Lin, tell uncle for me, I'll go back to catch up on sleep first, and wait for him to catch me at night." !"

the other side.


"That woman has an air of arrogance. If she wasn't in that circle, I would have thought she was just like us!"

Stretching, Qiao Shukang, with interest in his eyes, turned to look at Lu Yan, smiling wickedly: "Lu Yan, what do you think?"

"It's unusual."

"Oh..." With a meaningful smile, Qiao Shukuang gestured to his best friend, raised his hand and patted Lu Yan on the shoulder: "It seems that Grandma Lu's wish to have a grandson next year is something to look forward to!"

Looking at each other, Ji Yueze's eyes flashed a hint of cunning.

The tails of the eyes are slightly raised, like a weasel stealing chicken, revealing a bit sinister.

But before he opened his mouth to hurt Lu Yan, he heard Qiao Shu's rambunctious tone, and said again: "However, I always feel that woman's eyes on Bao Junchen... It's weird!"

It's a man's intuition.

I always feel that there is something in those eyes...

Wanting to grasp that feeling, Qiao Shukuang tried hard to recall.

At this time, Ji Yueze suddenly shouted: "Hey, Lu Yan, where are you going!"

Qiao Shukuang came back to his senses suddenly, just in time to hear Lu Yan's answer.

His domineering tone, sonorous words, and his flickering eyes were full of evil: "Go catch the little wild cat - collect debts!"

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