Leaving the room, Bao Jinghan saw ivan the first moment he stepped out of the door.

He was leaning against the wall, tilting his head, and teasing the woman in maid outfit beside him.

Seeing Bao Jinghan coming out, he smiled evilly and raised his eyebrows.And the little maid next to him obviously didn't expect that Bao Jinghan would suddenly appear at this time, she was startled, shrank her neck subconsciously, and moved behind Ivan, trying to hide herself stand up.

But in the next second, she seemed to realize something, she straightened her body quickly, stopped her steps, and didn't let herself shrink behind Ivan, and made a big mistake.

However, when she looked at Bao Jinghan, she felt somewhat ashamed.It just so happened that this little maid, also a thin-skinned master, glanced at Bao Jinghan shyly and timidly, then lowered her head in fear, bent her knees slightly, saluted in her direction, and hurriedly walked away. , a little flustered and wanted to leave.

However, Bao Jinghan did not directly greet Ivan or talk about things as she expected.Instead, he called out to her——

"Hey, stop!"

The maid was taken aback, and she stood there as if she was frozen.

His body convulsed slightly, and then he seemed to have regained his senses, turned around, and looked up at Bao Jinghan.Probably because of the previous incident, she was always flustered.Therefore, her eyes were a little dodgy, and she didn't dare to meet Bao Jinghan directly.

With just one touch, she instantly turned her gaze to ivan who was closer to her.

After all, this is her food and clothing parents!

Bao Jinghan also subconsciously glanced at Ivan, and raised his chin provocatively at him.

Understanding her hint, Ivan smiled, gestured to the maid, and nodded slightly at the same time.

Seeing that the gold master nodded and gave permission, the little maid felt a little relieved, stabilized her emotions, looked up at Bao Jinghan again, and asked her in a voice as calm as possible: "Is there anything I can do to help you?" , Miss Cynthia?"

"Help me call the person who bandaged the gentleman inside just now, and tell her to remove that exaggerated thing for me, he is still half dead, don't need to wrap it in the direction of the mummy. Also, you can stop by for a consultation, Your doctor here. Let’s see if he has any method to ensure that the gentleman inside can move his legs freely in a short period of time!"

It doesn't matter whether the maid and Ivan are "eye-catching" or "eye-eyed".

Bao Jinghan only briefly explained his request.

In the meantime, let alone ridiculing the little maid for wanting to climb Ivan's overreach, there was just a superfluous look or a sneering expression.

"I know, that's why I asked you to ask the doctor. Instead of asking the doctor to give me a guarantee! You, understand?"

Rarely raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile.

The maid standing far away from her, at the foot of the stairs, inadvertently trembled her lower lip, then subconsciously nodded in agreement, not to refute.

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