"If you don't go, is there a possibility of getting out? I mean, the possibility of getting out of this situation! If you think there is, then tell me your reasons, so that I can feel at ease about the reasons for not going!"

Smiling, Bao Jinghan folded his arms around his chest, and looked at Ivan leisurely, as if he already had the answer in his heart, ready to go!

Seeing that Ivan opened his mouth to speak, but then closed his mouth after a pause, she suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly, lowered her eyes slightly, chuckled softly, and casually broke his mind: "You know it yourself. It's impossible, isn't it? At some unknown time, maybe a few months ago, maybe when I returned to Bo's house, maybe... at a farther point in time, because of some established Because of the reason, a certain person's heart changed, and a conspiracy was brewed. This conspiracy was gradually woven into a big, overwhelming, trapping all of us in it. I can't escape, and neither can you. We can't escape! And since we can't escape, why do we have to struggle so hard? Why don't we go head-on, pick up the sharp knife in our hands, and poke a hole in this big piece together!"

If you can't get out, just do the opposite and master it!

This is Bao Jinghan's cognition.

But it is also the most direct and dangerous way.

She knew she couldn't escape, so she didn't hide.

She wanted to use the most unexpected method, appearing suddenly when no one expected it, disturbing the water, knocking down the chess pieces on the chessboard, and directly giving the guy behind the chessboard to recruit the general's chess moves!

"I'm already in a dangerous situation, and I can't escape it. If I can escape, do you think such a dangerous situation can still be called a dangerous situation? Now, if I don't want to fall into the abyss, I can only Jump out, cut a path for yourself, and escape instead of hiding all the time!"

After interrupting Ivan's words bluntly, Bao Jinghan looked at her very bluntly, and retorted bluntly: "Ivan, you have known me for so many years, you should know that I am not a person who will sit and wait for death. I don't believe it, you I would naively think that as long as those people achieve their goals, they will let me, us, and the family behind us go! I dare to take this life to assure you that once they achieve their goals, they will return immediately Come to the periphery of this trap and kill us inside. Then you can find any reason, and you can directly cover up the truth..."


Looking into Bao Jinghan's eyes, Ivan slowly lowered his eyes again.

Inexplicably guilty, he couldn't look at her any longer.

He was afraid, afraid that those eyes would see through the scruples in his heart and the inexplicable secret hidden deep in his soul.

They were silent for a long time.

It seemed that even the air had become dull because of their mutual silence.

But as time went by, Bao Jinghan couldn't stand up anymore.

She looked deeply at thia again! "

"Your Excellency, is there anything else?"

Raising his eyebrows, Bao Jinghan spoke lightly with a hint of teasing.

Ivan subconsciously clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and seemed to have made a very difficult decision, before speaking out after a while: "You...be careful. I will protect you. When necessary, I will also protect you. meeting--"

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