"What do you think?"

Hide where the sun and shadow meet.

Bao Jinghan lazily leaned against the curtain, holding the phone in one hand, and playing with the tassel chain on the rope that fixed the curtain with the other.She wrapped the soft olive tassels around her fingertips, bit by bit, entangled her fingertips in the softness, and then suddenly let go.

After playing like this for a while, she suddenly pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Blood Eagle, I haven't forgotten what your past was like, let alone what you did to me for your past. Although I forgive you, and I choose to cover these things up for you, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. You have no right to give me any orders. Your existence should be clear from the very beginning——we are a member of the Bo family. , You must be loyal to the Bo family! Except for the Bo family, none of them are your masters. And if you are still loyal to the old master and think about everything for the old master... I can only ask you to leave Yes. Of course, this is a sympathetic approach, and you know why!"

Bao Jinghan's voice was soft at first.

But in the middle of the conversation, her words changed sharply and sharply.

Blood Eagle was obviously hurt by her poke, and he choked when he heard this.Even the expression on his face was slightly startled, a little ugly.

He looked up at the window above, and he could almost imagine how cold, deep, and deep the eyes of the woman hiding behind the curtain, in a safe corner, overlooking everything outside the window, were at the moment...

"Cough", he opened his mouth, the blood eagle was stained with ink for a while, coughed in a low voice, then immediately changed the topic, and told Bao Jinghan a news in a hoarse voice, a news that surprised her slightly: "Tonight's banquet, The old man was also invited. But the old man didn't go, he asked Mr. Junchen to take Master Jun to go with him. And I received the news that Miss Su Nuan Xia Su, who has been avoiding Mr. Bo, went to find Bo early this morning Sir, and asked to attend tonight's dinner as Mr. Bo's female companion. Miss—"

"Enough, you can tell me this, enough."

Without letting Xue Ying's words continue, Bao Jinghan interrupted him coldly, and continued: "Go do what you should do, you have nothing to do here anymore!"

There was no sound on the phone, and the blood eagle took a look in front of him, and the phone had been hung up.

Standing in the sunlight, he raised his head and looked upstairs again.

The curtains, which were half open, are slowly closing, and the figure hidden in the intersection of shadow and sunlight also disappears with the closure of the curtains.

But he knew that she was standing behind the curtain, still maintaining Yuanyuan's posture, staring in the direction of the window, right?


Thinking of the invitation card that made Lao Bo even slightly worried, and thinking about the stubbornness of the person in front of him, Blood Eagle could only sigh helplessly, turned around and changed into that frivolous look that was both good and evil, and turned back to the car. on, drove away.


People always think that dawn represents hope.

Then, do people with such cognition also think that when night falls, all evils will surface with the sun rising and setting?

However, compared to the evil and crime hidden in the night, there are many fairy tales that are also presented in such a night.

In the fairy tale, Cinderella appeared at the ball in a pumpkin cart on a beautiful night and met the prince.And Su Nuanxia once sat in a pumpkin cart and met a prince, who took her into an unexpected world.It's just that no one expected that the ending of her story would be like this...

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