"Immediately, immediately! Hurry up!!!"

Probably because he felt that what he just said was not serious enough, after taking a few quick deep breaths, he heard Quan Leng waving his cane, and roared again.

At this moment, the chattering and chattering voices around him came to an abrupt end.

In the next second, two men in black standing beside the woman stretched out their hands to pull the woman.Several other men in black who had stood in front of Quan Leng's body to protect him at first also went over to help Quan Leng amidst Quan Leng's roar, trying to grab her directly and send her out of the banquet hall.

They thought that this woman would struggle a few times at least, but God knows, she didn't struggle at all, as if she didn't feel that someone was pinching her arm.It's just that those two lines of tears flowed down my cheeks, to the point that even these strong and sturdy men couldn't bear it.

"Brother Leng, you really failed me..."

Tears gurgled down the pink cheeks.

The woman's beautiful eyes blinked slightly.

On the eyelashes, the crystal tears were trembling uncontrollably.

Then I see the pitiful look, anyone who sees it, I'm afraid it will be hardened for a moment.

Coupled with her soft, glutinous and clear voice like singing, every word is three points more beautiful than opera.This makes those present, who have always shown themselves as 'gentlemen', how can they stay out of the matter?

No, before the words fell, and before the man in black had time to drag him out of the door, someone stood up and spoke out for the woman——

"Stop, let go of this lady!"

A man with a round body, but wearing a tuxedo tailored by a cutting machine, stepped out of the crowd.

He raised his hand slightly, glanced coldly, and stopped the man in black from moving.

Then he turned his head to look at Quan Leng with a gloomy and ferocious expression, which distorted the entire position of his face.

Smiling, he narrowed his shrewd and sharp eyes, opened his mouth, and the curvy mustaches on both sides of the man also trembled, very funny: "Mr. Quan, I look at this lady, it seems There is no malice towards you. Do you lose the host's demeanor when you let someone throw her out of the banquet hall like this?

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