But when he raised his head, it was a coincidence that he met Bao Junchen's eyes. The cold eyes made his heart tremble with horror, and he almost screamed.Fortunately, at this moment, he was stunned by so many shocks, he couldn't scream anymore, he just took another long breath, and when he realized that Bo Junchen didn't look at him at all, but when he was in a daze, He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Bo Junchen also looked away, turned around, walked past him, and walked into the distance.While walking, he looked around, as if he wanted to search for something in the hall.

However, whatever he was searching for, as long as he was okay, it was none of his business.

But when he thought about the bloodstains on the man's face, his heart, which had finally settled down, began to thump again, always feeling a little scared.

Come on, after this matter was resolved, even if he wasn't fired by the company, he still wanted to leave the industry.Thinking about it, although there are many benefits in getting in touch with these celebrities in front of him, there is no guarantee that what happened today will not happen to him for the second time or the third time...

However, for him, one time is enough for such a thing.He doesn't want to meet more rounds, after all, there is only one life, if there is a second round, he is afraid that his heart will not be able to keep up, and he will collapse directly!

"Director, supervisor, look here, there seems to be a line of small characters here..."

It took a lot of effort to finally remove the giant lamp stand.

A subordinate squatted on the ground and watched for a while, and found some things that he hadn't discovered before, and hurriedly approached the person in charge who was thinking about something, and whispered a few words in his ear, but his eyes flickered from time to time. He glanced at the place where he found the writing.

I don't know if it's because the line of words appeared too weird, or because I was afraid that someone would take the lead.

Hearing the sound, the person in charge who was pushed and shoved a few more times was shocked again, as if returning to his senses.

He turned his eyes to look at his subordinate, and stared at him viciously for no reason. Only then did he dispel the annoyance in his heart, but in an instant he changed into a serious look, got up and followed his subordinate to the place, squatted down, and carefully inspected the place. A red carpet covered in blood.

And above the dark red blood stain, this line of small characters appeared faintly.

Punishment and redemption!

What does it mean?

With these lines of testimony, it is obvious that what is happening now is no longer an accident, but a long-planned action.From the gunshot at the beginning to the falling of the crystal lamp, everything was calculated in advance.

And he, by coincidence, found such a case!

Fortunately, before he was still happy, he felt that he had gotten a huge bargain and received a big project.If he could have predicted that this case would develop into the current situation, he would not accept it even if he was beaten to death.

Of course, this may confirm a word called 'price'!

"Director, what are you going to do?"

Seeing the supervisor wandering in vain again, consciously discovering a man with a big secret, he was both excited and a little confused.He reached out and poked the supervisor, hoping that he would give him an idea quickly, or a few words of praise.

Unexpectedly, what he got in exchange was another fierce stare: "What should I do? Hmph, watch carefully here and don't damage the scene. When the police come later, you will know what to do!"

ps: Dear babies, Merry Christmas!Is there a carnival tonight?Mo Xiao continues to code, and there will be an update later~~~~~

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