Taking advantage of the dim light in the carriage, he looked Bao Jinghan up and down.

The woman who had been annoying the driver by chirping before suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, gave Bao Jinghan a friendly smile, and tried to hug the back of the front seat, trying to climb over.Reluctantly, the person driving beside her saw her movement, and handed her a knife-like look with cold eyes, which made her shrink her neck in fright, and sat back safely.

But this hand didn't shrink back like her timidity, on the contrary, it boldly stretched out towards Bao Jinghan, and held her hand in a friendly way: "Hello, I'm Mo Huan's friend. I... ...I like your culture very much, and I am trying my best to learn. My name is... Oh yes, I have a Chinese name, you can call me Zhenyao, of course, you can also call me sister Yao just like Mo Huan! Hehe , How about it, isn’t my name particularly nice? I like it too, not only is it nice, it’s easy to pronounce, the key is that the meaning is very good, I named it myself, how about it!”

Lifting her chin, the woman winked at Bao Jinghan playfully.

In the darkness, her expression was blurry, but those extremely shining eyes were impressive.

Bao Jinghan frowned slightly.

While the woman was looking at her, she was also looking at the woman.

That woman had a very...very youthful face, with some baby fat, she looked particularly small.And she herself is very lively, the first impression she gave to Bo Jinghan was that she should be a child, completely from a different world from Mo Huan.She even had some doubts, whether this girl was a "child laborer" captured by Mo Huan from her younger brother Mo Jue!

But if you look at the woman carefully, you will find at a second glance that the girl is not as clean and pure as she looks, let alone... what kind of sex.

She should be a very sophisticated woman with stories. There is a strong charm hidden between her brows, which cannot be concealed by her youthful face.Even though she was deceptive on the surface, there was an indescribable sense of incongruity between her charm and that face, which made people remember her deeply when they saw her, and it was hard to forget.

Look at her slightly smug little appearance, and the familiarity already revealed in her words, obviously telling her that she is on the same front as them!

But... this person on the same front has not had his hands and feet tied.

And Bao Jinghan guessed that at this moment, the one thing that Mo Ji's hidden guard most wanted to do was to gag her, right?

Passing a helpless look, Bao Jinghan looked at the woman, then at the back of the person in the driver's seat, and at the same time slightly moved his bound hands: "Sorry... I don't think I can shake hands with you anymore. , Miss Zhen Yao."

"Ah, I forgot, sorry, hehe!"

The woman chatted about short hair and smiled apologetically.After thinking about it, he looked straight at Bao Jinghan again, tied up three fingers, and made an oath: "Don't get me wrong, the reason I wasn't tied up was... because I saw him knock Mo Huan out, and I also knew that I I was powerless to resist, so I chose to turn against him, and asked him to carry it for me. Then what, I swear to you, I am really not the one who harmed you!"

"I know, you are the assistant brought by happy this time, right?"

Smiling, Bao Jinghan turned to look at the driver again, and said in a low voice, "Tell me where Mo Ji asked you to take us!"

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