That's right, it's because she thinks Mo Huan, a cold, crazy woman, is too wonderful, and she's being too affectionate, so why would anyone want to help her? It's clearly because she dislikes her and put her precious laptop on her pillow.No, at this moment Mo Huan checked the laptop and confirmed that it was intact and all functions were very normal. Then he squinted his eyes, squinted at Bao Jinghan who was lying on the ground again, and raised his eyebrows again.

In the darkness, Bao Jinghan could see very clearly.

Her eyes clearly asked, why don't you get up yet?

Of course, there was a hint of provocation and sarcasm in his eyes, vaguely as if... despising her!

That's right, it's staring at each other, absolutely, the kind of Chiguoguo.

The corner of Bao Jinghan's mouth twitched suddenly, feeling a little ashamed in his heart.

Looking at Mo Huan's face, many thoughts flooded into his mind at once, and after turning around in his head for a few times, he finally calmed down a little.However, this did not delay, she counted Mo Huan and Mo Ji's ancestors separately in her heart.

After leading her to scold her, the anger in her heart dissipated a lot, and then she said, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why are you here?"

To be honest, if this is really a kidnapping, the two of them are probably risking their lives more now than before, and Zhen Yao, who wants to grab the steering wheel, is almost weird.After all, if you can chat calmly and calmly under the eyes of the kidnappers, you should ask this again, brother, I was kidnapped, how did you get here?Ah, it can't be such a coincidence, he was also kidnapped, right?

If this kind of stupid question is asked in such a situation.

Thinking about it, it's still quite gratifying.

Of course, in such a situation, if you ask such a question, either there is something wrong with the brain circuits of the kidnapped two, or the kidnapper will probably turn his mouth in anger...

But right now, when he heard the conversation between the two people in the back seat, the man in the driver's seat who was still in shock still calmed down a little and listened with his ears pricked up.

But when Mo Huan opened his mouth, he shuddered suddenly, and glanced quietly at the rearview mirror. He was looking at Mo Huan's slightly squinted eyes, and his cold gaze was reflected from the rearview mirror. Looking at him, the hairs on his back stood on end one by one.

oh, this feels...

It's really not a sour thing that can be summed up!

"How else can I come here? Of course, I got hit by a stick for no reason, and when I woke up, I saw that you were killing me and taking advantage of me!"

After finishing speaking, she moved her legs in disgust, and snorted coldly, "Are you able to get up? Get up quickly if you can, and don't rub your hair against my legs, itchy! Also, I If you don't like this, my sexual orientation has always been a very normal Bo Jinghan, Miss Bo!"

Hearing the sound, Bao Jinghan was startled at first, then opened his eyes wide, and gave her a hard look, and then struggled again, supporting the bound hands that were somewhat numb, and returned to the seat.

But this time, before she could sit still, Miss Zhen Yao in the front seat turned her head with a happy face, and looked at Mo Huan in surprise, her eyes almost filled with tears : "Ah, Xiao Huan'er, you're awake! You scared me to death, I thought..."

"Think I'm going to be immortal?"

Bao Jinghan glanced at it but still couldn't accept that Zhen Yao's brain circuit was short-circuited.Seeing that she was fine, Mo Huan was slightly relieved, but her face was still icy cold, just looking at the eyes of the sexy beauty in the front seat, there was an imperceptible kindness.

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