"Miss, the matter has been settled. The manhole cover and wires have also been dealt with, and our people have safely retreated from the Huaxia Hotel. However, there is news that Shang Haotian seems to have made a big fuss in the monitoring room. I mean, he Tete had someone install a camera in the private room where you met before."

Aze's voice came out of the receiver steadily.

"Well, I see."

His fingertips tapped lightly on the armrest.

Bao Jinghan responded lightly, with extremely concise language.

But A Ze, who has been with her for a long time and has a tacit understanding, has already heard the meaning of Bao Jinghan's inconvenience.

Unconsciously, my heart trembled, and I asked back: "Miss, where are you now, do you need me to pick you up?"

"No need, Fiona will send the car back later. I... I'm with Lu Yan, it's safe, you don't have to worry. As for the reason, Fiona will explain it to you. If uncle asks, you can answer it in the exact words Go. Bye!"

After the quick explanation, Bao Jinghan hung up the phone directly.

When she looked up, Lu Yan just sat down next to her.

Bao Jinghan moved aside subconsciously.

To be honest, sitting with Lu Yan is a matter of stress resistance for her.

And her trained ability to resist pressure is so strong that even Bo Junchen gave her a thumbs up, but for Lu Yan, she has to be lowered by three gears.


It probably corresponds to the so-called Dao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high!

"You still have to report to your uncle when you're 22?"


Bao Jinghan subconsciously turned his face to Lu Yan's sudden words.

Before he could speak, unfortunately, the phone that was still in his hand started to shout.

"Excuse me, another call."

Looking at Yun Chunxi's number, Bao Jinghan subconsciously stood up and walked towards the corner.


The other party's words were quite long, so Bao Jinghan stood at the base of the wall in a posture facing the wall.

The toes swayed from time to time.

Playing with fingers around the strands of hair.

For a while.

It seems that the other party has finished speaking.

Bao Jinghan paused, then quietly replied.

"Well, do you mean tomorrow?"


"Okay, I remember, I will definitely be there!"

After a few simple answers, Bao Jinghan hung up the phone.

When he turned around again, Lu Yan just closed the door, holding a paper bag in his hand.


Lay out the sealed boxes one by one.

Lu Yan pointed to the lounge next door: "Go and wash your hands, come and eat!"

Do as you say.

Looking at her silent back, Lu Yan frowned unconsciously.

She has an intuition that the call she just received should not be a good thing.

Bao Jinghan stood in the bathroom for a while.

I don't know what I'm thinking about.

After a while, she came back to her senses and hurriedly sent a message to someone.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he quickly washed his hands and went back to rest outside.

She looked at Lu Yan with a hesitant look, and her mood was extremely tangled.

But when she sat down and took the chopsticks from Lu Yan, she still opened her mouth and said a request that was enough to make people think.

"Lu Yan...can you do me a favor?"


The cold voice echoed into Bao Jinghan's ears.

But what she said is really not as reasonable as what she just said.

It took me a long time to sip softly: "Help me...steal a man..."

The eyes are intertwined.

At that moment, Bao Jinghan saw a wolfish light from the bottom of the man's dark eyes, faintly flickering with the meaning of danger...

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