At this time, in a huge old castle with historical traces on the other side of the ocean, a certain bedside on the second floor was glowing with warm lights.

An exotic handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes was sitting under the lamp.

Holding the tablet computer in his hand, he watched the press conference held by the Bo Group in S city.

His playful gaze was firmly attached to the beautiful figure on the screen.

Until that beautiful figure disappeared, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed: "Book me a ticket to China..."


The next day.

The warm sunshine sprinkles into the European-style courtyard full of hydrangeas.

Bao Jinghan squinted, sitting in the courtyard, eating brunch in a leisurely manner.

The chief housekeeper, Aze, stood quietly by the side.

"I met Ye Tengda yesterday."

Ye Tengda? !

Aze, who bent over to pour tea for her, froze slightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"He actually still has the face to come to me and invite me back to Ye's house."

Bao Jinghan's tone was indifferent, as if telling another joke.

"How did you answer?"

Thinking of the situation where she locked the door directly after she came back yesterday, Aze immediately understood.

"No matter how I answer, I can't go back with him." After a pause, Bao Jinghan pouted slightly, a little dissatisfied: "It's all because of them, I actually missed the feast that my uncle prepared for me!"

With that said, she turned to look at Aze.

But when her gaze fell on Aze's unusually masculine handsome face, another face flashed into her mind——

Slightly startled.

It wasn't until A Ze kindly reminded her that she came back to her senses: "Miss, the tea is getting cold!"

"I'm distracted."

Losing his appetite, Bao Jinghan put down the knife and fork in his hand, and asked suspiciously: "Ah Ze, under what circumstances would a man call a woman a little wild cat so frivolously. Besides, he still looks very familiar? But the woman doesn't know him at all." !"

This question made the butler feel black.

But as a professional and excellent chief housekeeper, he still answered in time: "It should be...he wants to pick you up!"

Want to fuck her?

But she felt that the guy who broke into the bathroom yesterday was not just for this purpose?


Damn, what is she thinking!

Throwing away the strange thoughts, Bao Jinghan regained his usual composure, took a sip of the black tea, and then changed the subject.

"By the way, what did you ask to check?"

"It's all ready." Turning around, Aze took the folder from the maid and handed it to Bao Jinghan: "The personal information about Mayor Lu Yanlu is here. Please take a look—"

Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Bao Jinghan opened the document casually.

What caught the eye was a dense resume.

Bao Jinghan glanced, slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the mayor is not old, on the contrary, he is still very young—'year old!

But so what?

She's not interested anyway!

Scroll through the profile.

Bao Jinghan glanced casually, and a photo was printed in her eyes, but she couldn't look away.

A strong shock gradually spread in the bottom of my heart.

In the photo, the man's handsome and impeccable face, with a slight smile, his eyebrows soaked in an unconcealable domineering Yugui...

"How could it be him!!!"

Hurry up!

Bao Jinghan, whose eyes were full of astonishment, held on to the photo tightly. In addition to being shocked, there was also a kind of humiliating anger in his heart.


I was worried that I couldn't find this guy to settle accounts, but I didn't expect her to meet like this!

"Aze, prepare the car!"

Bao Jinghan, who was in a rage, spoke angrily, then threw the napkin in his hand on the table fiercely, turned around, and left as quickly as if he was on a hot wheel.

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