He believes...

Bao Jinghan curled his lips slightly, but didn't look away.

"Uncle, there is evidence and witnesses for this matter. According to the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, I am a suspect."

"If you really want to kill her, she has already died a thousand times. And, there is no trace!"

There was a soft light on Bao Junchen's gentle but stern face.

He suddenly reached out his hand as if begging for peace, and then patted her on the shoulder as if comforting.

Turning his hand over her bangs that covered half of her eyes, she opened her mouth slowly, and added: "Hanhan, I've been your uncle for five years, and although I don't know you very well, I can see through to you. You I know what kind of person you are! Don’t be angry with uncle. I was impatient and scolded you, and last time... I slapped you. If you feel uncomfortable, uncle will let you call back ?”

As Bo Junchen said, he really stretched out his face.

Lin Moxun, who was in the driver's seat, looked as usual, he was not surprised, but showed a relieved expression.

This is what he is familiar with, the way the uncle and nephew get along!

"Uncle, I accept your apology."

Bao Jinghan, whose heart was slightly warm but tense, breathed a sigh of relief without leaving a trace.

She raised the corners of her mouth and changed the subject lightly: "Can you tell me what's going on with Meng Lulu's case? I'm still at a loss now!"

Returning that box to Meng Lulu's hands is the key!

And this key is also a hidden warning.

Obviously, all this is a game.

Never simple!

"Before that, tell me how you and Meng Lulu met? Why did her boyfriend testify that you and Meng Lulu had a problem."

Bo Junchen grasped the problematic joints and figured it out from the beginning.

Bao Jinghan, who was asked, didn't hold back anything, and just told the whole story about meeting Meng Lulu and her male companion on Longqian Island when he was dating Lu Yan.

What she said was extremely brief, and the relationship between what she did was probably only Meng Lulu's unilateral opinion.

"I watched the surveillance video sent by Aze. Is that woman Meng Lulu?"

"Yes. Last Friday, after my interview was over, I was just about to leave. The security guard sent the box, saying it was from a fan, and asked him to teach me it himself. By the way, the reporter who testified against the box is The one who gave me an exclusive interview that day, because her car broke down temporarily, Fiona let her into my car and wanted to give her a ride. I opened the gift in the car, and she saw it and was so frightened light!"

Bao Jinghan tried his best to recall what happened at that time, linking these things together, and those two words still appeared in his fast-running mind——

Blame it!

"You had someone throw that box?"

"Yes, Fiona was thrown in the trash can by the side of the road. Afterwards, I contacted Aze on the Internet and asked him to investigate immediately. And I only found out this morning that the person who delivered the things was Meng Lulu!"

Bo Junchen nodded slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Uncle, what is the cause of Meng Lulu's death?"

Looking at the man beside him, who was thinking about something with his eyes closed, Bao Jinghan asked calmly.

"Poisoned, potassium cyanide."

Potassium cyanide?

This is simply the common poison of murder!

Regardless of domestic spy wars, or Hong Kong dramas, Japanese dramas, Korean dramas, American dramas...

A few of the people who died always died of potassium cyanide poisoning.

Now, verified!

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