A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 415 The Lying Man Doesn't Have a Small Dick

Three pillars of blue smoke floated overhead.

Lu Yan stared at the cute baby in front of her, the corner of her mouth twitching.

What did this kid learn from his mother!

Also Intuit...

"Uncle Aze... woo woo woo..."

Mengbao was sobbing, and rushed towards Aze, whose clothes were mostly wet.

Aggrieved lying in Aze's arms, weeping unknowingly.

Outside the door, Bao Jinghan, who was approaching with his clothes, heard the crying and hurriedly opened the door and rushed in.

But looking at the situation inside, her high-speed brain seemed to be invaded by a virus, and it crashed.

This... what's going on? !

"Mommy... woo woo woo..."

Tangtang, with teary eyes, looked up at Bao Jinghan, hurriedly stopped crying, and replaced it with soft sobs.

But the grievance and sadness on his face could not be restrained no matter what.

"Bo Juntang, what the hell are you doing?!"

Bao Jinghan changed hands and stuffed Jing Jing's pajamas into Lu Yan's hands, and approached the bathtub in three steps at a time.

As soon as she squatted down, Tangtang swooped and hugged Bao Jinghan.

Xiaobai arms like lotus root joints tightly wrapped around Bao Jinghan's neck, and her wet little head rested on her shoulders.

The small mouth was tightly pursed, sobbing and complaining to Bao Jinghan.

"Mommy... woo woo... the little girl was watched by the bad uncle, and the little girl has nothing to do with it..."


bad uncle...

Bao Jinghan went through the child's intermittent words in his mind, and combined with the situation at the scene, he quickly figured out why Tangtang was crying so sadly.

At this time, Aze leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words.


Suppressing the muffled laugh suppressed in his chest, Bao Jinghan pursed his lips, patted Tangtang's shiny back, and comforted him in a deep voice: "Bo Juntang, you are a man and a good example for my younger brother! It's ugly to cry like that Yes, uncle saw and wanted to laugh at you, you know!"

"Mommy... little ****..."

"Uncle Lu is not a stranger, so he won't lose his sight!"

Miss Bo's theory is really eye-opening.

Lu Yan stood at the door, listening to the conversation between the mother and son, and fell silent...


10 minute later.

Under Tangtang's strong accusation, Bao Jinghan had no choice but to lead Lu Shizi, who was particularly disliked by Tangtang, to his bathroom to take a quiet bath.

But today.

Jingjing seemed to be entangled with Lu Yan, and she didn't let her mother intervene at all.

From undressing to bathing and wiping, Lu Yan had to take care of the whole process.

This made Bao Jinghan feel uncomfortable, but he could only lean against the door of the bathroom, looking at the big one and the small one in front of the bathtub.

Wei Wei was in a trance.


The red lips moved, allowing Lu Yan to address the foamy Jing Jing, and suddenly popped out an invitation.

With her sleeves rolled up, Lu Yan gently covered Jing Jing's ears and poured water on him.

"Quiet, be good, wash together in the future, okay?"

Quietly and obediently nodded.

Slowly, she spoke again: "Will...together? Wash together..."


The man's concise response was short, forceful, and resolute.

It seems to be a promise that the child will not be embarrassed at all, but will feel easy-going and comfortable.

Just like a pair of father and son, they are casual and have a tacit understanding!

Father and son?

What is she thinking!

Bao Jinghan shook his head violently, threw away his messy thoughts, took a bath towel from another hand, and handed it over...

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