"Strength? Hmph, with this stupid thing you did, you still dare to talk about strength with me?!"

With a sneer, Father Shang looked at his son with disdain.

But under the slightly drooping eyes, there was a faint gleam hidden.

Vaguely looking forward to something, "Then tell me, what strength do you have, can cover up this scandal, and let others turn their attention!"

In fact, Father Shang knew in his heart that the attention was not just diverted.

There must be enough ways to prove to those people that this kind of strength can only be achieved by them...

His eyes flashed.

The heart that was hanging high gradually became stable.

Shang Haotian raised his lips and smiled, hurriedly lowered his body, and rummaged through the scattered piles of documents.

A few minutes later, he squatted on the ground, opened a light gray folder, glanced at the labels on the pages, stood up hurriedly, spread out the document, and handed it to his father.

It's like offering a treasure.

There is a bit of pride and credit in the brows of the eyes.

"Dad, look!"

"No one else can invite you, but you can? You boy, don't overestimate yourself. You think I don't care much about the company's affairs now, so I don't know that your invitation has already been rejected by her! "

I was stunned for a while.

The smile on Shang Haotian's lips froze suddenly.

He raised his eyes slightly, looked at his father, and looked at him without leaving a trace.

But my heart was a little uneasy.

Just as he was thinking wildly, that majestic voice tinged with anger came from his ears again.

But this time is different from the contempt just now, and there is a faint concern: "Besides, I heard from Jiaojiao that this girl is now involved in a murder case and is a suspect. Listening to her, she may be suspected. Erase the words and become a criminal!"

Nannan is Shang Zhirong's nickname for Bo Jinghan back then.

This child can be regarded as the one he watched grow up.

Compared with Ye Jiaojiao, he likes this child more, so he made a marriage contract with the Ye family back then.

And five years ago, when the engagement was changed, one was because of his son's intention, and the other was because of the stack of photos sent by Ye Jiaojiao...

His daughter-in-law must be clean!

However, his love for the child has never changed.

Just like when she came back this time, he was completely happy for the child and her survival.

But if you are happy, you are happy, if you like it, you like it, but the Ye family's housework is something that he, a businessman, should never get involved in!

Therefore, he would not ask about Ye Tengda's intentions.


Shang Haotian, who hesitated to speak, looked into his father's eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

A calculating smirk floated on his face.

After a slight pause, he saw his father's expression in his eyes, and said with a sense of pride: "This is the time I want! Only this time is the easiest time to invite her... And as long as there is the Bo family behind her, this time It is difficult to settle the charges. What we have to do is to convince her at this time, let her take this endorsement case, and help us tide over the difficulties!"

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