
Thunder rolls over, mixed with the "crack" of lightning.

In the afternoon, the weather in City S changed drastically.

The sky was still clear at lunch, and it suddenly turned cloudy as if I was getting emotional again.

Then, amidst the bursts of lightning and thunder, heavy rain fell.

clap la la...

The torrential downpour washed away the heat of the noon and brought a hint of coolness.

Bao Jinghan, who had just put the two cuties to sleep, had a rare rest.

At this moment, she was leaning on the beauty couch in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a cup of scented tea, looking at the lightning flashes in the sky outside the window.

What she was most afraid of was this kind of weather...


Came when the door opened.

Bao Jinghan withdrew his mind, turned to look at A Ze who walked in the door.


Making a silent gesture, Bao Jinghan turned his hand and pointed at the sleeping sweet baby on the big bed, put down the cup quickly, got up and walked towards the door.

"what's up?"

Closing the door, Bao Jinghan's eyes flicked across the corner of A Ze's slightly curved mouth, "Hey, A Ze, you've hit the peach blossoms, you're smiling so sinisterly!"

"Miss, as you expected, Shang Haotian didn't give up and called again!"

Aze took out Bao Jinghan's cell phone from his pocket, and handed it over respectfully.

"Hey, he probably learned about the murder case from Ye Jiaojiao! But, I don't know how he will use this news..."

Take the phone.

Bao Jinghan's fingertips slid down the screen without hesitation, cutting off the scumbag's call.


"He'll call later, I'll just deal with it. You help me take care of Tangtang and Jingjing, especially Tangtang, that kid has never slept well, don't turn around and roll under the bed again!"


I couldn't help laughing.

Aze didn't say any more, just took a deep look at her, and pushed open the concealed door.

At this time, the phone screen lit up again.

Bao Jinghan didn't stop at the door, she hung up the phone and walked towards the small study at the end of the corridor.

Just as she was closing the door, the scumbag called again.

Still holding on? !

Bo Jinghan, who had hung up the phone twice, didn't hang up again this time, and answered the phone directly.

Lightning raged over the city like a blade.

The thunder rolled, sending out its deafening roar.

Shang Haotian, who had been scolded miserably today, after Bao Jinghan hung up on the phone twice in a row, a kind of neglected anger rose in his chest, accompanied by the lightning and thunder outside, Rolling and clamoring in my heart.

"Shang Haotian, your head was struck by lightning, right?"

Pulling open the curtains, Bao Jinghan looked at the flashing silver light outside.

There was a sneer in his eyes: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, a despicable and shameless 'scumbag'. One minute, I only give you one minute, please briefly explain the reason for your call...begin time."

"Hey, don't be so ruthless! We had a marriage contract at any rate. Although we didn't get together in the end, who can see the future? Maybe your current benefactor was unhappy that day and gave you a Pedal, you have to come back and beg me!"

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