
The electronic door opened with a sound.

Aze's figure stood by the door.

Before he could speak, Tangtang opened his throat.

"Hello, Uncle Aze!"

Looking down, Aze's eyes fell on the two cute babies in front of him who were wearing the same small suit but with completely different temperaments.

His eyes softened a lot.

"Hmm...let me guess, two such handsome babies, one is Tangtang and the other is Jingjing?"

"Cut! Uncle Aze, you won't guess wrong for us again, and then tell your cold jokes that can't be colder!"

Mengbao Tangtang poked Aze's life gate straight, folded his hands around his chest, raised his head slightly, and curved his mouth slightly, evoking a cool smile.

He and Aze looked at each other for a few seconds, and waved his hands at him like a little adult: "Don't listen, don't listen! Tangtang doesn't like cold jokes, Tangtang likes Uncle Aze shooting guns, so cool..."

"Hehe, next time I have a chance, Uncle Aze will take Tangtang to shoot, okay?"

"Okay! Make a written proof, don't lie to me!"

Literary evidence...

Where did this child learn it, such a vocabulary full of Bo family's characteristics!

Aze sneered and patted Tangtang on the shoulder.

When he looked up, his eyes met Bao Jinghan who came out of the cloakroom.

"Here we come! Are they...all here?"

"People have just arrived. Young Master Lu, Second Young Master Ji, and Young Master Qiao are here together. Mr. Jason's car has also arrived at the gate of the manor. Mr. Bo and Mr. Bo are entertaining them in the hall. Let me come up and have a look, you two Young Master, have you changed your clothes yet? If you have, take them with you!"

With a few words, Aze revealed the situation downstairs to Bao Jinghan.

But when she turned around to get the things, the originally well-controlled emotions still showed unconsciously.

A touch of worry and pity lingered in his eyes.

As if, I saw the scene where she was drenched in the rain again...

"Come on, Jingjing, can Mommy carry you down? Lu Yan's father is here!"

Turn around and squat down.

Bao Jinghan opened his arms towards the quiet handsome guy standing beside Tangtang.

The tenderness and warmth of motherhood softened her rebellious eyebrows and eyes.

The her at this moment and the her in the afternoon are like two people!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that what he saw in the afternoon was just a dream.


Silently sighed.

While sighing for Bao Jinghan, Aze stretched out his hand towards Jingjing.

"Miss, let me hug you!"

"No need! Mommy, Uncle Aze, said quietly, you want to go with me! We are little men, we don't need a human transport plane!"

Human flesh transport plane? !

Hearing these words, Bo Jinghan felt a puff of blue smoke drifting over his head.

The outstretched arm froze and slowly retracted.

Regardless of Tangtang's inappropriate metaphor, and the narrowness in Aze's eyes, he stood up directly.

He coughed softly, "Okay then, let's invite our little men to go downstairs first!"

Going down step by step.

Compared with Tangtang's striding strides, which seemed to be charging into battle, Quiet's pace was much slower.

Bao Jinghan looked at the figure of A Ze nervously chasing after him, but he was not in a hurry. He led Jing Jing and walked downstairs slowly.

in the living room—

The people who were chatting and laughing all looked towards the stairs when they heard the hurried footsteps.

I saw a very handsome little cute baby running towards the crowd from the stairs with short legs.

But when passing by Lu Yan's side, he slammed into Lu Yan's body...

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