That kind of surprise wasn't because of Jing Jing's special obsession with calling her father.

It's because of the indelible father-son nature!

It's like having a tacit understanding and being able to judge who is the parent like an animal.

However, for some unknown reason, this kind of instinct was not reflected in Tangtang at all.

This boy is not like a father and son to Lu Yan, but like a natural enemy!

"Hey, uncle also brought you a gift, and someone sent it to your room."


"Hee hee, if you really want to thank Uncle, just kiss Uncle!"

At this moment, Lei Jiesen was not what the rumors said.

A dark horse in the financial world, a genius in investment, a business tycoon in Wall Street, a white shark that annexes and integrates corporate resources...

All kinds of names seem to be pressed by the wrong person.

This guy in front of him is obviously a big brother next door, a big boy with unlimited sunshine, how can he have the slightest bit of decisiveness to gallop around the financial world, pointing out the country and berating Fang Qiu?

The gazes of Qiao Shukuang and Ji Yueze all cast their gazes over at the same time.

Over there, Jing Jing seemed to hesitate for a while, and slowly brought her lips closer.

If there was a kiss that seemed like nothing, he quickly turned his head and lay back on Lu Yan.

"Ha ha……"

With just a light kiss, the rumored ruthless character immediately smiled.

With curved eyebrows, squinting eyes, coupled with those dazzling white teeth, Lei Jiesen's body has added a touch of pure and beautiful affinity.

It doesn't match up with the rumors -- let alone!


"Mr. Jason, please use tea!"

When seated, Aze offered a cup of black tea at the right time.

"Thank you, Ze!"

Jason exchanged a few words with A Ze familiarly, held the tea instead of drinking it, but raised it in Bo Jinghan's direction.

"It's okay, Aze has already told me."

Bao Jinghan said indifferently, but hinted at Lei Jiesen with his eyes, and then raised his hand to introduce him in turn: "Lu Yan, you have met, these two are his friends—the second young master of the Ji family, Ji Yue Ze. Qiao Shukuang, the heir to Qiao's business."

When it was his turn to introduce Lei Jiesen to them, Bao Jinghan simply asked him to introduce himself.

And these few people exchanged pleasantries, and the chat started.

Perhaps it was because of the presence of Lei Jiesen, the bright little sun, that the atmosphere that had failed to adjust several times before became officially lively.

But after chatting for a while, Bo Junchen suddenly got up and took Tangtang to the study to invite the old man.

At this time, Lei Jiesen, who was always fond of making trouble, suddenly raised his chin in Bao Jinghan's direction, but looked at Lu Yan.

There is something inexplicable in the eyes with a diffuse smile.

Lei Jiesen left half of the question behind, and the rest of it is very clear without saying anything.

For this answer, the other two also pricked up their ears and waited.

Bao Jinghan had nothing to hide.

Turning to look at Lu Yan who was talking to Jingjing and feeding him oranges, she replied calmly but solemnly: "At this stage... he is a boyfriend!"

"Oh? What's the next stage? Is it the fiance or the groom?"

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