Inhale, exhale.

Miss Bo, who was almost seduced by male sex, pulled Hun'er back, and quickly took a deep breath to stabilize her thumping heart.

He picked up a pillow casually and threw it at Lu Yan.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, there is a touch of complex color that cannot be seen by others, which complements the original exquisite eyebrows and eyes, and it is more like a thick ink painting. If you glance at it lightly, there are thousands of styles!

"Master Lu, if you don't wear clothes in someone else's house, you're called a hooligan!"

Catch the throw pillow.

Lu Yan looked at the little woman in front of her who seemed a little embarrassed, but didn't want to admit it, and stretched out her cat's paw towards him.

His eyes froze for half a second.

He bent down and looked down at the little wild cat with a slightly raised face.


The kiss fell instantly and stayed briefly on her lips.

Lu Yan squeezed her pretty face, and whispered back in her ear with the same calm tone: "Every other! When you were at my house, you didn't wear clothes all night, little wild cat!"

his home……

a whole night……

Bao Jinghan remembered the night at Linhu Villa.

In my mind, "Teng" became hot.

Like being steamed by something.

There was a thin blush on her face, and a gleam flashed in Bao Jinghan's sly fox eyes, and the corners of her mouth that were originally pursed turned up at this moment.

"At least I didn't play hooligans in front of my children!"

The eyes of the fox were slightly bent, and an evil smile stained his eyes: "Master Lu, you must understand that it works like a charm! Parents should lead by example. I don't want my son to take off his clothes when he sees a woman in the future." Naked."

After the words fell, Bao Jinghan looked away, and looked down at his little son who was sleeping very soundly.

The wild evil in the eyes was replaced by that gentleness.

Extremely soft!

"A little thing with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth!"

A light slap, like a caress, landed on her waist.

With a deep voice, Lu Yan responded to the gasping Bao Jinghan with a more ruthless level of calm: "Didn't you say that the education of children should be done early?"

"Bah, listen to your nonsense!"

His eyes were angry.

Bao Jinghan glared at Lu Yan, seeing the playfulness hidden in his eyes, and suddenly tightened his fingers pressing on the sheet.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Bao Jinghan let go of his hand with a smile, glanced at him nonchalantly, then turned his gaze back to the child, and said lightly without looking back: "Put on your underwear first, come and talk to me later. Educational issues—Mayor Lu!"

Words are no longer poisonous, the key is to fight poison with poison.

Inside the house, silence returned.

In this strange silence between each other, Bao Jinghan quietly made a big v in his heart, celebrating his complete victory.

But before she turned around, she came to see Lu Shizi's sullen expression.

An extremely pleasant, low-pitched, mellow laughter crossed his ears.

Then, Lu Yan responded with a god-level calmness, completely giving her a second.

Just three words.

Simply and neatly——

"I didn't bring it."


Leave Bo's Manor.

Qiao Shukuang leaned back on the passenger seat drowsily, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Ji Yueze, who was speechless all the way, had already noticed the strangeness of his best friend, but didn't point it out.

Until, he drove the car into the inner ring and stopped at a traffic light intersection.

"Qiao Shukuang, there is a limit to pretending to be dead!"

There was a slight gap in the long and narrow eyes, Qiao Shukuang glanced out of the window, swept across the flashing neon lights on both sides of the road, and then naturally turned his eyes back to his best friend...

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