A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 584 Love Is Ultimately a Responsibility!

"Emotions... This thing can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. It depends on each person's situation. For me and your grandma, when we met, it was faint, but from acquaintance to mutual love, it can't help being vigorous. Although there are twists and turns, obstacles, ups and downs, and quarrels, we will never leave and support each other. In the end, this vigorous love has become family affection, responsibility, and loyalty!"

Sighing, Bo Lao seemed to be caught in the vortex of memories.

After pulling back his thoughts for a long time, he half-opened those shrewd eyes in the vicissitudes of life, stared at her, and slowly let out a breath: "To put it bluntly, grandpa can't be with you forever, and your uncle will always have a family and a career. So, grandpa Before I let go, I will find you a reliable and reliable 'relative'. In that way, grandpa can leave the burden of the Bo family on you without any worries, and go to see your grandma..."

Hearing this, Bao Jinghan's heart was sour.

The mouth is sweet: "Grandpa, you will live a long life!"

"I'm only a hundred years old, and it's not that many years. Besides—Hanhan, look at those two little guys. Don't you think Tangtang and Lu Yan are getting closer?"


Bao Jinghan remembered what Tangtang whispered in her ear before breakfast in the bedroom while she dressed monkeyishly.

He said: Mommy, I like to ride horses with handsome uncles!He is tall, handsome, and cool, riding on his neck is pure cool.Thief cool!

Although Tangtang, a ghostly spirit, always speaks with some adult emphasis, he is still a child after all.

For things and people, it is still a preference.

Therefore, what he said before happened to prove Bo Lao's vicious vision.

But Bo Jinghan didn't answer, but directly bypassed the topic and continued to report to Mr. Bo the result of yesterday's coordination with the French side.

Old Bo listened intently, and occasionally gave a comment or two, but never brought up the previous topic again.

But he is well versed in the artistry of language, and he knows that these words are enough, and if he goes on, it may backfire!

Therefore, she also took out the dignified style of the past, and discussed a big case that she was in charge of.

By the time the two finished talking, it was already nine o'clock.

Knowing that she still had things to do later, Mr. Bo glanced at the pouring rain outside the window, and after a few words of advice, he showed a kind smile, waved to the two children kindly, and took them to their own children's room went……

Turn back upstairs.

A Zeli was at the stairs, looking at the slender figure on the sofa.

His eyes softened.

However, the image of Lu Yan leaning over and kissing her when he left in the morning appeared in his mind.

That kiss seemed to be an intimate act between lovers.

But if you observe their expressions carefully, it is not difficult to find that there is another meaning hidden in that kiss.

It is a kind of respect!

Very light, very short.

It's not hot lingering, not crazy possession.

Instead, he restrained and kept the etiquette, but with an infinitely suppressed kiss, tinged with unknown pampering and pity, it landed on her forehead.

This kind of tenderness does not ignite the spark of passion visually.

But it happens to be able to stimulate the adrenaline that triggers passion, soaring along the way, and finally turned into a flame of jealousy...

The purest, the most refined!


Turning around, Bao Jinghan looked towards the stairs, and said in a deep voice, "Ah Ze, send a copy of the information about Ye Tengda prepared last time to Dao Rongjia and Lawyer Rong..."

ps: Five chapters will be passed on first, Mo Xiao will continue to write, and will add more in the evening~~

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