A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 592 Only people on the same level can agree with each other

I was stunned for a moment.

Fiona looked away, looking down at her fingers intertwined with the metal chain.

With a voice that was suddenly lowered by more than an octave, he said with a deep wry smile: "You should really let those who say you have no brains sit here and take a look."

"No, even if they sit here, they will only pay attention to how I was betrayed by the people around me. It's just a group of guys waiting to see your jokes. Do you need to care so much about what they say? And... brains , it takes people on the same level to recognize each other!"

It is said that fithia is poisonous enough! "


Bao Jinghan smiled disapprovingly, picked up a file bag from his side, unsealed it unhurriedly, and handed it over.

Then, she no longer beat around the bush with Fiona, but went straight to the point of today's meeting.

At the same time, I also took this opportunity to fully grasp the initiative of the conversation.

"Fiona, we have known each other for a long time. When I chose you as an agent, one is because you have talent in this area, and the other is because you are tight-lipped and know how to judge the situation. You don't know what to say or do. Something that shouldn't be done. But I didn't expect, I saw it right for a while, but I forgot your nature-but seriously, I really didn't expect that one day we would sit together and discuss what to do with you! "

The voice is graceful and clear, and every word is accurate.

There is no need to shout loudly to force people, as long as those unpredictable eyes glance at her face, she can feel that oppressive aura!

It forced Fiona to lower her eyes unconsciously.

But she still reached for the file bag in front of her and pulled out a few sheets of paper.

Looking at the densely packed records above, he landed on the red form in the background column at a glance, and saw a very familiar number.

The fingers pinching the file bag trembled suddenly.

Just like her heart at this moment, trembling and trembling involuntarily.

It felt like the blood in my whole body was boiling up, rushing straight to the top of my head.

But her face became paler...

Turning over one by one, the files in my hand transitioned from phone records to printed photos.

Although it is not as clear as the printed photos, it can still be clearly identified that the person sitting with Liu Mengru above is her!

And the background of the photo is the place where she went on a date last night——

The breath stuck in the throat, not going up or down.

After reading the stack of documents in her hand, Fiona put them back into the file bag and gently placed them on the table.

The gripped heart that was hanging in the air seemed to settle down at this moment.

"Is it important?"

Raising an eyebrow, Bao Jinghan didn't answer directly.

Fiona didn't care about her tone, but followed what she said just now, and said to herself: "I thought I was doing it very secretly, and I thought about everything very seriously, but I didn't expect that you would find out Yes. But I can't figure it out, why didn't you investigate Aze and Ivan, but me! Is it because you trust them more? Or... did I reveal some flaws, huh?"

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