Letting her return to France was purely unexpected.

But after hearing her straightforward way of dealing with it, Fiona, whose heart was hanging in her throat, was relieved.

But she didn't pick up the envelope in a hurry, but just looked down, and asked jokingly: "If you let me go like this, you won't be afraid that I will hate you, and you will directly reveal your identity to the world? Is it impossible to achieve the purpose of letting you go back to China! "

"Do you dare? Fiona, we know the reason why you need money. Why do you say such things to spy on me now?"

Pursing her lips, Bao Jinghan tilted her face, and looked at the woman in front of her with a sincere smile, "Your sister is still lying in the nursing home, although I have paid for the expenses for this season. Ze has remitted it there. But from the next quarter onwards, you will have to earn it yourself. Also, according to our contract, you have to pay back the medical expenses I paid for your sister in the past three years. And the contract you signed with the economic company under the Bo family hasn't expired yet!"

Fiona's complexion became worse and worse.

She bit her lips tightly, and the eyes she stared at Bao Jinghan changed and changed, and finally lowered her eyes, and picked up the envelope on the table.

She raised her face slightly, paused in her low voice, bit her lower lip heavily, and continued: "Be careful of Liu Mengru, she is more cunning and vicious than Ye Tengda! And...Jing Han, no matter what you believe, Believe it or not - I swear on my sister's life, from now on, I will never do anything to betray you! Never!"

Turn around resolutely.

Fiona straightened her back and opened the closed wooden door through the thick bead curtain.

Outside the door, in the corridor.

A tall man with one hand in his pocket.

The clothes on his body are simple, a black shirt with a small collar, casual jeans, and a pair of black sneakers, with a bit of casual comfort.But the outstanding facial features are three points chic and seven points handsome!

Very seductive.

However, she has been soaking in the big dye vat in the entertainment industry for too long, and she has long been tired of looking at beautiful men.

But this one still made her take a second look unconsciously. One is because his appearance is indeed high-end, and the other is because he appeared in this place without being blocked or accompanied, and he even stood there without hesitation. At the door, as if he was afraid that people would not know that he was eavesdropping!

No, maybe he listened aboveboard.

Eyes intertwined.

For half a second, Fiona withdrew her gaze and walked towards the direction she remembered.

But at this time, the man came over, reached out to her, and introduced himself to her in fluent French.

Then he changed into a somewhat fluent Chinese with a French accent: "Fiona, nice to meet you! Although, you have been refusing to hand over to me before, saying that my appearance is an insult to your profession. But today After meeting you, I have to admire your...professionalism!"

The man deliberately bites the word "professional".

The flamboyant peach blossom eyes floated on her face.

She hooked her lips gracefully and smiled ironically.

But his eyes only paused on Fiona's body for a moment, and then he strode his long legs and passed her.

Leaves a faint cologne smell...

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