These days, some people lose their jobs and some lose their love.

But if you lose your job or lover, you can still look for it, but if you lose that layer of won't be the original one if you make it up again.

Ye Jinghan was one of the more unlucky ones. Overnight, for no apparent reason, he lost his one-off original somewhere!

But she is also a new woman in the 21st century, depressed and depressed, but she will never die for this film.At most, he hid in a corner to preserve her 17 years of chastity, and observed 3 minutes of silence, and then came back to his senses amidst the sharp ringing of the mobile phone.

Ye Jinghan looked down at the caller ID, and there was a trace of impatience in her dark eyes, but she still answered the phone patiently.

A serious and deep voice, which did not suppress the anger at all, came out of the earpiece, and the prickly ears hurt——

"Ye Jinghan, you are getting more and more capable. How dare you stay out at night and hang out with wild men outside!"

"You are shameless, our Ye family is shameless!"

The voice paused for a while, obviously dissatisfied with her silence, but soon turned into an impatient roar: "No matter where you are, get out of here!"

The furious voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Jinghan looked up at the hot sun in the sky, and put the phone into his pocket without looking at it, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth deepened, a little self-deprecating.

The man on the phone was her father.

A man who pistons with her lover at her mother's funeral, then hastily fixes him up a week later, and speaks ill of her forever.

Hateful, hateful, disgusting man!

Clenching his fists tightly, Ye Jinghan swallowed the suffocating grievance in his heart, touched his pocket, and remembered the empty wallet, so he had to call his best friend.

"Mei Niu, are you awake? Come pick me up..." After a slight pause, Ye Jinghan turned his head to look at the street sign, reported to pass it to her, and then added lightly: "Bring me a suit by the way, whole body!"


Two 10 minutes later.

An off-road vehicle went straight to the sidewalk from the fork and stopped in front of Ye Jinghan.

The car door opened, and the sexy beauty in a punk outfit jumped out of the driver's seat rustlingly, and swept her legs towards Ye Jinghan.

"It's done, girl, you're finally enlightened!"

Ye Jinghan flickered, dodging the oncoming leather boots: "Where are the clothes?"

"Bring it, in the car." The sexy beauty smiled boldly, stretched out her hand to hook Ye Jinghan's shoulder, lowered her head and leaned close to her ear, and asked with a thief smile: "Be honest, let me tell you, How does it feel to have sex with your family Shang Haotian yesterday? I want to hear the details, including the length, width, depth, frequency and durability of that guy... Let me tell you, sisters will give you a reference, let's cannot--"

"not him."


"Last night, it wasn't him!"

Ye Jinghan coldly shook off the catkins on his shoulders, and climbed into the car swiftly.


The door is closed.

The sexy beauty stood outside the door, dazed for half a second, staring at the car door in a daze.

It was a bit hard for her to digest the sudden news, but she quickly figured it out, opened the door of the driver's cab, and jumped in.Ye Jinghan, who was calm and composed in the passenger seat, opened his mouth and yelled, "Ye Jinghan, your fucking brain has been stepped on by Ye Jiaojiao's little hen! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly—"

"I was drugged, it was Ye Jiaojiao who did it."

"That bitch?!" Cursing, the sexy beauty immediately remembered something again, and turned to ask her, "Where is Shang Haotian?"

"He? Busy messing around with the little hen." Ye Jinghan kicked off his high heels, turned to look at his best friend with a calm expression.But in those flickering eyes, there is a strange scorching light hidden, a little weird, like the cold charm of her mouth curled up...

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