A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 609 One Bar and Three Stars on the Shoulder Badges

That person is Tang Feng.

It's the people around Lu Yan.

But the Tang Feng I saw today was different from last time——

He was wearing a military uniform, and the three-star epaulets on his shoulders were extremely dazzling at this moment!

"Miss Bo, are you... injured?"

Tang Feng's sonorous voice was mixed with a little nervousness.

But this voice shocked Bao Jinghan back to his senses!

His eyes turned away abruptly, from his inexplicable attire to his left arm.

Due to the attack in the alley, the window on the driver's side was smashed. Although there was no major injury, the arm near the window was broken by broken glass, and many small blood holes were drawn.

But she just ran away for her life, so she really didn't feel much pain.

Now that the whole person is relaxed, the pain seems to follow.

But Bao Jinghan still hooked the corners of his mouth and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's a small wound from broken glass, just take care of it—"

Before she finished speaking, the hand behind her waist tightened suddenly, and then a somewhat cold, complaining and concerned voice came from behind her head, interrupting her words.

"You have to open your mouth, blood flow like a river, and make yourself look like a heroine, is it a serious injury? Bao Jinghan, I have never seen a woman who loves herself less than you!"

Li Yi's face was still pale, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

He hit hard, twisted Bao Jinghan's waist fiercely, raised his head with a sullen face, looked intently at the man outside who was still drenched in the rain, and then said politely: "This... Mr. Captain, do you have a first aid kit in your car? Also, do you have blankets or something like that?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Feng was startled.

In fact, he had noticed the person in front of him a long time ago, but due to his status, it was difficult for him to ask directly.

Now, seeing his little gestures towards Bao Jinghan and hearing his extremely nervous tone, my heart is even more confused!

He couldn't help looking at Bao Jinghan.

Pausing for a moment, consciously losing his composure, he hastily withdrew his gaze and nodded at the two of them.

"These are the usual items in the car. However, although Miss Bo's wound is small, it's better to go to the hospital to have a look. After all, it has been rained for so long!"

Pointingly, he glanced at Bo Jinghan's skirt, which was already soaked through most of it, and Tang Feng pointed at the huge military off-road vehicle parked behind him on the side of the road: "Miss Bo, your car is out of gas. , It's not a problem to wait here, let me take you and this gentleman to the hospital! Besides... Lu Yan is very worried about you."

"He—made you come?"

After the chase just now, Bao Jinghan didn't know why, when he heard Lu Yan's name at this moment, it was as if a trickling warm current had flowed through his heart, warming the cold heart that had been poured by the rain.

"There are some small episodes in the middle. For the specific situation, you should ask him yourself!"

The torrential rain was so cold that it almost drenched Tang Feng's pine green military uniform.

But his expression didn't change, he was still calm.

After reaching out to open the car door, he waved to a soldier behind him.

The man trotted over, saluted Tang Feng, stood upright in a military posture, but glanced into the car.

"What are you looking at with those thieves' eyes?"

Frowning, Tang Feng looked at the blush on the little soldier's face, coughed, and told him a few words in a serious voice, "Go!"

"Yes, Staff Tang—"

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