A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 642 The Mysterious Man With Similar Looks Reappears

Some people say that experiencing setbacks in life and death will definitely change a person.

It's like the phoenix nirvana, reborn from the ashes, which is a bit like the meaning of enlightenment in Buddhist scriptures.

And Bao Jinghan's changes in the past five years are probably the same!

Rong Jiahe didn't know what Bao Jinghan was like five years ago, but every time he heard his father sigh, he felt that this girl was a little incredible, and even made people feel awed by her courage.

Now, with a cooperative relationship, he suddenly realized how surprising it was that those rumors became facts!

"Assistant Lin, send Lawyer Rong back!"

Looking at the two people standing opposite each other at the door, Bo Junchen suddenly spoke.

The tone is indifferent and tough, beyond doubt!

Hearing this, Lin Moxun, who had always regarded Bo Junchen's words as an imperial decree, immediately carried out what he had told him, and led Rong Jiahe out.

Bao Jinghan didn't confront him, but with a social smile, he said goodbye to the two who left. At the same time, he also said good night to Bo Lao who was about to go back to his room to rest, and asked the person who was in charge of Bo Lao's daily life here temporarily. The slightly longer male servant: "Remember to remind the old man to take his medicine, and don't forget to bring in the vitamin water before going to bed!"

"Don't worry, miss."

Seeing the male servant follow Mr. Bo towards the room opposite to the study, Bao Jinghan turned around abruptly and looked at Mr. Bo who was standing behind the huge desk.

His eyes dimmed for a moment, but he regained his usual calmness in an instant.

"Uncle, what do you want me to do?"

Qiao Xiaoqianxi.

Bao Jinghan slightly raised his eyelids, squinting sideways.

Between the corners of the eyes and the tip of the eyebrows is the charm that seeps from the bones, blending with the unruly and wild look in the eyebrows, forming a temperament that belongs to her alone, with a unique charm, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Come here, sit down—"

At this moment, Bo Junchen ordered in short tones.

It's not like the uncle who pampers her and pampers her on weekdays, but the authority that superiors have over their subordinates!

raised eyebrows.

The corners of the mouth were curved and pursed, hooked into a warped arc.

Bao Jinghan didn't answer, but walked towards him gracefully and calmly.

But she didn't sit down on the seat he designated, but walked around the desk and leaned against the edge of the desk.

Raising her eyes, she stared at Bao Junchen, who was much taller than her. There was no sly gleam in her fox-like eyes, only the coldness that had been trained to cover up all emotions.

"Your Excellency is planning to teach me again? All ears!"

"Hanhan... go and sit down, I have something for you."

Frost-like eyes fell on the little prickly head in front of her eyes, and in an instant, a gentle side appeared unconsciously, wrapping the cold color, and poured into her eyes.

But the little girl in front of her didn't care.

Xie Xie's smile was as tricky as ever, but the look in his eyes was no longer longing and hesitant, but an awe that drew a clear boundary with him.

The only thing that remains the same is that she is still obedient!

After dragging a sofa chair over, Bao Jinghan sat down with him keeping a social distance, with his legs crossed consciously, and then slightly tilted.

"Tell me, what do you want to show me? As long as... it's not your pornographic photos!"


Bao Junchen frowned at the unintentional joke with her and reprimanded her in a low voice.

But as soon as he thought of the "sequelae" caused by the slap last time, he couldn't be strict with her, so he could only restrain his emotions, and took out a encrypted copy from the small file holder at the corner of the table, and turned to her. She handed it over: "The man who looks like you has appeared again... You can see for yourself!"

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