His lips pressed against hers, but he didn't kiss her.

Lu Yan clamped down on her body, and didn't make any further moves, but there was an indescribable sense of oppression exuding from all over her body.

"Jinghan, don't let me hear what you said just now. Do you understand!"

"Which sentence? The future is limitless, or the son-in-law of the east bed?"

He frowned, then let go.

Bao Jinghan didn't know why, and felt a little annoyed.

Maybe it was because of Lu Yan's tone of command that suddenly changed, or maybe it was because of some indescribable feeling in her heart, anyway, she was just uncomfortable, so she stretched out her hand to shove him, but he easily grabbed those hands, The tall and lean body pressed closer to her.

And his gaze also became cold and deep, staring at her like a hunter who caught prey, watching his prey struggling under him.

"Jing Han, you understand what I mean!"


Struggling was futile, and Bao Jinghan didn't waste his energy, he raised his eyes and stared at him.

Although her expression was calm, the crimson pink on her face could not escape the man's sight.

There was a touch of helplessness in the cold and sharp eyes, and the lips that were originally pressed together, which seemed to be kisses but not kisses, were firmly pressed down by Lu Yan in the next second.

Arms tightened.

Lu Yan held her firmly in his arms, forcing her to raise her head and accept the sudden deep kiss.

Unscrupulous, lips and tongues intertwined.

From the trembling mind at the beginning, to a kind of dizzy and exciting beauty...

"Jing Han—"

After the kiss fell, Lu Yan called her, but his lips did not leave.

Every time the lips move, they will gently rub against hers, conveying a hoarse ** throbbing.

The tone is domineering and tough: "Don't try to push me to some messy person, I—— only you!"

I only want you!

The low voice, with just five words, involved all her will.

Startled, stunned.

I have to admit that at this moment, Bo Jinghan's heart is quite beautiful.

But this should be the feeling that all women will have. After all, the man in front of her can be said to be a high-quality man who is glittering from head to toe!

But she didn't have that good sense of herself.

Her rationality told her that if one day, Lu Yan met a better woman than her, it would only be a joke...

Looking at the impeccably handsome face in front of him, Bao Jinghan raised the corners of his mouth, smiling charmingly and flamboyantly.

He opened his mouth slightly, and when he was about to speak, the dark pupils in his eyes suddenly widened, as if he was stunned by something, looking up at the concentration between his brows.


Her tricky little mouth suddenly moved close to his ear, and her bewitching voice was charming: "I bought you for one night, do you want to buy it back again? You can also pay for it..."

Lips pressed against his earlobe, sucking lightly.

Teasing all the way down, licking his neck with the tip of her tongue.

The long legs under the skirt were slightly raised.

Knees rubbed against the outside of his trousers, stretching to catch his.

seduce, seduce...

Sexy action, extreme provocation!

Bao Jinghan clearly felt the man's relaxation, and this was what she wanted.

Taking advantage of this gap, the true nature of the little wild cat is fully revealed——

"Hey, soldiers never tire of deceiving Lord Lu! The second half of the sentence just now is a joke, don't take it seriously!"

While speaking, the kitten slipped out of his arms like slipping on mud.

Taking out the speed of a [-]-meter run, he rushed straight to the bathroom.

Close the door and hide!

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