A cold smile was slowly drawn on the lips.

Lu Yan answered "Yes" seriously, and was about to hang up when Li Yi asked suddenly.

"Don't hang up, that girl isn't with you, is she?"


After getting a response, Li Yi on the other side of the phone fell silent for a moment.

She seemed to be struggling with something, and hesitated for a long time before opening her mouth: "Lu Yan, I would like to ask you a question. Why are you pursuing my girl? Her background and wealth, her face and figure, or your child?"


"That's it?" The doubtful tone raised slightly, Li Yi paused for a moment, and touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, "I shouldn't ask this, but the Bo family and the Li family are like a family, I never saw that From the beginning of the little girl, I treated her as my own sister. You are very likely to become my sister-in-law, so I have to ask clearly, and check for that little girl who can't even tell the difference between liking and admiration!"


Lu Yan frowned slightly, feeling that Li Yi was implying something to him.

And his question is indeed presumptuous, but standing in the elder brother's position, there is only one kind of concern left.


"Because... she is Bao Jinghan."

To give an answer, it is not a long and provocative affectation, not a persuasive vow of eachother.

It's just because she is Bao Jinghan, and he wants her heart.

Only her is enough!

The unexpected but expected answer entered Li Yi's ears from the receiver.

Lang Lang's laughter pierced through.

If Lu Yan was in front of him, he would definitely hook his shoulders and give him a warm, brotherly hug!

"Haha, you and I have an appetite! But you should know what is hidden in this girl's heart. Are you so sure that you can dig him out of her heart and replace him?"

There are two problems.

If the previous one was that he was testing whether Lu Yan was qualified, then this one is what he said before the testing of Lu Yan!

Li Yi's tricky question did not embarrass Lu Yan.

On the contrary, she seemed to have an answer long ago, only paused for half a second, and responded in a calm and unhurried voice: "Why do you need to replace it? It hurts to dig out the heart, why not let her hide it and bury it deep. As long as I stand firmly in her heart Heel, no matter what monsters and ghosts she hides, there will always be a moment for her to exit the stage!"

"Lu Yan, I'm committed to your friend!"

Applauding Lu Yan's answer in his heart, Li Yi turned away from the approaching person in a blink of an eye, quickly restrained his expression, and said lightly: "Okay, don't bother, send me the size and model later. Also, I wish you all the best." Have a nice afternoon..."

The phone just left the ear.

The bathroom door opened.

The dense hot air blends with the cold air in the room.

And Bao Jinghan stood between the cold and the warmth, wearing a large bathrobe, which could be vaguely seen that there was a layer of bath towel wrapped in the bathrobe.

She wrapped herself tightly like a zongzi.

Only the skin above the neck and below the knees was exposed.

But that little face was blushing from the bath.

Like an overripe apple, Lu Yan tempted to hold it and take a bite.

But the wet, still dripping hair made him frown.

Looking away, Lu Yan turned his hand and took out the hair dryer from the drawer of the bedside table.

Get up and go to her.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he handed him the hair dryer, and raised his chin slightly towards her.

When he spoke, he had the characteristics of an elder teaching a younger generation: "How many times do I have to say it before I remember it? After taking a shower and drying your hair, you will easily get sick!"

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