A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 697 Fascinating Bones, Lively and Fragrant

Xia Xia?

It should be warm summer!

Bao Jinghan smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, froze slightly, and turned to smile with comforting warmth.

This is good, at least Bo Junchen has never changed his mind, he is a good man worthy of Nuan Xia!

But this troublesome person in front of him is not a troublesome one in Bao Jinghan's eyes.

However, she had to be dealt with first.

Quietly walking to the washstand, Bao Jinghan washed his hands carefully, folded his arms around his chest, and stood beside her to explain the facts to her, turning a blind eye to Xiao Huadan who seemed to be persuading her to take the money and leave.

When Bao Jinghan wiped his hands clean, he turned and walked towards the door.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Cen Jingsong who was sticking to her like a tail. With a calm expression, she used an understatement to instantly kill her——

"I think being warm is better than some people who can't even be used as bed warmers. Miss Cen, what do you think?"

Bright smile, a little dazzling.

The unruly eyes were concealed by the charming eyes.

Bao Jinghan looked deeply at Xiao Huadan who looked slightly startled.

Eye contact.

For a moment, look away.

Push the door and leave——

The corridors are full of lights and shadows.

Two figures dragged one behind the other.

The former walked quietly, but the latter was chasing after him, yelling and chattering.

However, if that scolding is put in front of Bao Jinghan's group of buddies who don't shy away from meat and vegetables, it's not scolding at all!

The worst thing to hear is just one sentence - vixen!

But Bo Jinghan didn't think it was a curse.

How good is a vixen?

Doesn't Lu Yan just like fox spirits?

For some reason, I thought of Lu Yan.

Bao Jinghan lowered his eyes and shook his head amusedly, and the small arc of the corner of his mouth was a little bit demonic.

But she turned around the bend in the corridor.

His footsteps suddenly froze——

Cen Jingsong followed closely after getting up, she never expected that she would stop suddenly and collide with Bao Jinghan.

"Oops, you—"

Rubbing the tip of her nose, Xiao Huadan, who was used to bossing her around, was about to scold her.

When he raised his head, his gaze met with that of Bo Junchen.

He was startled and panicked, not knowing how much he had heard her indecent yelling all the way just now.

But in this respect, she can hold her own.

Immediately put on the most gentle thia, oh! "

This acting is really professional!

With a smile on his face, Bao Jinghan looked at Comrade Uncle, who met her on the way to the bathroom.

The smile on the corner of his mouth didn't know how to put it on for a while.

How do I say hello... you go to the bathroom too?You also come out to congratulate?Do you pee too?

Thinking about the balance, Bao Jinghan didn't speak, but nodded with a smile.

Turning around, he went around behind Bo Junchen and left.

Seeing this, Cen Jingsong was overjoyed.

He was also wondering if the woman who had choked her with words just now had become enlightened.

The smile on the corner of the mouth immediately became sweeter: "Junchen, let's go!"

Wrapping Bao Junchen's arms, Xiao Huadan's soft voice is sweet, greasy, and pitiful.

Sister Yilin is alive and well!

However, at this moment, Bo Junchen, like a gust of cold air passing through, withdrew his arm without hearing her, and walked past her without turning his eyes.

He caught up with Bao Jinghan in three steps at a time, and blocked her way with his hand.

"Hanhan, stop!"

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