A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 702 Love To Me Is An Immortal Desire

When Lu Yan showed up in the parking lot with Bao Jinghan.

Surrounding the front of the car, Lin Moxun, who didn't really want to join them, but had no choice but to be kidnapped and "framed" by the young ancestors of Qiao Li's family, saw the two approaching people with sharp eyes.

And the two young masters on the left and right also saw it, Li Yi even whistled in a ruffian way, and waved at the two of them.

But soon, the faces of the two young masters suddenly changed slightly.

Obviously, they also noticed that something was wrong with Bao Jinghan.

"Girl Han?! Lu Yan, what happened to her!"

Letting go of Lin Moxun, Li Xiao ran directly to the two of them.

He tried to call Bao Jinghan, but she seemed to be thinking about something, hiding in Lu Yan's arms, wearing Lu Yan's coat, her small face was pale, and her hair was a little messy.

Looking straight over her face, you can also find that the back of her cheongsam is covered with stains.

Even the pair of extraordinarily delicate high heels on her feet broke a heel at some point.

When walking, if Lu Yan hadn't been hugging her all the time, she would definitely be taller and shorter.

And this overall look, especially like a picture.

——Strong, violent!

His heart reached his throat, Li Yi glanced at Lu Yan, his eyes were no longer easy-going as usual, instead there was a layer of stern coldness.

It was like a silent question, confronting his eyes from both sides, secretly competing with each other!

"Li Yi, I'm fine. Help me take the medicine box out of the trunk. By the way, do you have the wound medicine and bandages?"

An encouraging smile gradually tilted up as the muscles at the corners of his mouth tightened.

Bao Jinghan stared at Li Yi with a worried face, reached out and patted the back of his hand lightly, motioning to him.

And the smile on his face seemed to say, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Li Yi knows this little girl's character too well, and she has been educated by Mr. Bo so much that she has the backbone of the Bo family. As long as it is something she doesn't want to say, even if you pry her mouth open and feed poison, she won't say it. of.

He took a deep look at her to make sure she was okay.

Li Yiyou turned his gaze, squinted at Lu Yan, who had no clue on his face, exchanged a reassuring look, and then went to search for something in the trunk.

When I found it, I put it in the car directly.

And after Bao Jinghan was put into the car by Lu Yan, he tied Lin Moxun and got into Qiao Shukuang's car, taking a step ahead.

Inside the cabin, the temperature and humidity are just right.

But Bao Jinghan just felt cold all over, and shivered from the cold.

And that kind of coldness is not the coldness in its own sense, but the heart.

"Jinghan, dear, take off your coat, and I'll check the wound for you. If it's always cracked, it's easy to get infected, and it will leave ugly scars after it heals. Come on, be obedient..."

From leaving to now.

Lu Yan was fine with everything that happened just now.

The expression on his face was the same as before, as if those things had never happened, and there was no trace left in his eyes.

But Bao Jinghan clearly remembered that at that time, Lu Yan suddenly rushed over, angry like a male lion whose lioness had been robbed, and wanted to punch him to death.

For a moment, shocking!

And she, like instinct, was looking for a safe arm.

That's why she rushed towards him uncontrollably, because, in her senses, he was an extraordinarily safe existence...

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