A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 733 Love Is A Weakness And An Armor


"Facts have proved that Qiao Xin's intuition in judging people is quite accurate. I believe that if you are an amorous bastard, Qiao Xin or Miss Xia, whether they are looking for you, are blind. But not only did she fall in love with you, but she also devoted herself to you... So, you shouldn't be considered a complete jerk!"


With a wry smile and raised his lips, Lin Xing looked at the can in front of him and opened the third bottle.

He brought it to his lips, but seemed to think of something, and slightly pressed the body of the can in Bao Jinghan's direction.

Toasted her, and at the same time spoke softly, and continued: "Sister-in-law, you have also experienced the great changes of life and death, and you should understand that in life, the things you think are important suddenly collapse, as if you have lost your spiritual support. The feeling. The reason why I wander among the flowers and indulge in sensuality is actually to let myself indulge and get rid of the nightmare that chases me every night!"

"I guessed it. But our experiences are different, and our choices are also different. Just like some people use work to numb themselves, so as to temporarily forget those things that are so cold and hateful. The words of my old man are the most appropriate, Some people rush to the examination room at night, some resign and return to their hometowns, just begging for differences."

The sky outside is gradually brightening.

The rain stopped.

Bao Jinghan got up and approached the floor-to-ceiling windows, and opened the curtains completely.

A bright room!

Leaning against the window, she cast her eyes on the lawn downstairs, and unconsciously, today's wedding reappeared in her mind.

"Don't say harsh words, so as not to hurt the brotherhood between you and Qiao Shukuang, and tear up the harmony that the Lin family and Qiao family have always maintained. Moreover, I will not help you convey it if you say it. The foundation is still unstable, and I still need to rely on the support of your family, so I can't be caught in the middle and not be human."

His eyes turned to Lin Xing from the window.

Looking at each other with a smile, Bao Jinghan stepped over, pushed Lin Xing's wheelchair to the side of the bed and stopped: "You rest, I won't bother you anymore! I will leave someone to take care of you outside the door, and you can ask him to come in if you have anything to do. There is a button over the head, which leads to the security room, if there is any accident or danger, just press it."


Leave the room.

Bao Jinghan shook his drowsy head, lowered his head and took another sip of coffee.

Seriously, if she had a pillow now, she could lie on the floor and sleep for a while!

But when she thought of those things, the drowsiness in her head disappeared immediately.

"Miss, Miss—"

The startled and jerked voice made Bao Jinghan jump.

Turning around, I saw a maid in uniform, three steps at a time, running up in a panic.

It's like the house is on fire!

"What a fuss, how did Aze teach you. At present, there are both patients and guests at home, so be more polite!"

"Yes..." The maid panted urgently, held her breath steadily, and turned her hand to point to the direction downstairs. She was a little flustered, but said eagerly: "Ivan...Earl Ivan is back! He told the lady to be notified immediately— —”

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