On the way back to Bo's Manor.

Aze has been talking about her because of today's adventure.

But he couldn't help mentioning something, but his eyes were full of pity as he looked at the wound on her shoulder.

Hold a ball of alcohol cotton with tweezers and rub it gently on her wound.

"Miss, your injury hasn't healed since you were left behind last time! Count yourself, how many times have you been wrung and cracked? If there are more times, Don't take your arm, just wait for the wound to get infected and fester!"

"You think I think so!"

Rolling his eyes, Bao Jinghan leaned back on the seat exhausted.

Just when she was about to turn her head, she felt that Aze had laid a heavy hand and pressed the cotton ball directly on her wound.

The sting of alcohol, at that moment, penetrated the wound and touched every cell in the body, the pain was so painful that she almost didn't scream!

"Hiss—" gasped, Bao Jinghan subdued like a baby: "Aze, I'm wrong, can't it be okay! Can you stop the black hands? It hurts!"

"Knowing that it hurts you, you still take such a big risk! Miss, do you feel that you have changed a lot since you returned to China!"

Has she changed?

Bao Jinghan opened his eyes, fixedly looking at A Ze who was lowering his head to apply medicine to her wound.

His eyes flickered slightly.

A few wavering questions popped up in my mind——

she changed?

What changed?

Why did it change?

It's because of interpersonal relationships and emotional involvement!

The answer was actually in Bao Jinghan's heart, but she didn't want to admit it, maybe she didn't dare to admit it...


Back to the manor.

Bao Jinghan didn't go to rest directly, but went upstairs first, and conveyed Mr. Qiao's words to Lin Xing.Then I went to my grandfather's place again, and gave a brief account of what happened this afternoon.

Just when she was about to leave, the old man stopped her.

"Hanhan, wait a minute."

After the words fell, a heavy-looking document fell in front of her.

Bao Jinghan opened it casually, glanced at it, then quickly closed it, and looked up at the old man.

"Grandpa, this is not the core of our Bo family..."

"Well. That's what you said! The burden of the Bo family will be handed over to you sooner or later. I've also noticed your recent performance and achievements. So, I decided—"


Before Bo Lao could finish speaking, Bo Jinghan directly interrupted him and called out.

Then, with a serious expression on her face, she pushed the document to Mr. Bo: "Grandpa, I will continue to complete the work you told me. But this, please don't give it to me now. I'm afraid the burden is too heavy. Your ability is still very limited, and you can't afford it. Besides...you are in good health, and when you are not sneaking around, you can continue to take charge of the overall situation and plan strategies! Just treat me as if you love me, okay?"

Rejected again? !

Bo Lao stared at the rare little girl who acted coquettishly in front of him, feeling a little helpless.

In other words, I don't know how many people want the thing he gave her.

But she is not rare, and she always has various reasons to hide, as if this is a plague, a virus, and she can't avoid it.

However, the days are still long, and there is always a way to make her accept it!

Thinking of this, Elder Bo let out a sigh of relief, and waved at her: "Since you don't want to, Grandpa can't force you, I just want you to get acquainted with it in advance. But... After you finish what you should do, It's not too late to deal with it properly. When the time comes, I will announce your identity to the public, you, the heir, can't act like a spoiled child like this!"

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